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Hi All,
She's doing fine but my daughter was just admitted to the hospital. We spent all night in the emergency room and blood work and a sonogram showed that she had pancreatitis and gall stones, so they're keeping her on an IV for a couple of days to allow the inflammation of her pancreas to go down, then performing surgery to remove her gall bladder. I'm off to bed now as I was up all night (my husband is with her now) and then will be heading back to the hospital. She's been a real trooper but I would appreciate any prayers that anyone would care to send our way. Smiler

So I just wanted to let everyone know that my responses may be slow to non-existant for a few days. Thanks. If something is really urgent, please PM and put URGENT in the subject and I'll try to get to it as soon as I can. Thanks.

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Thanks again everyone, forgive me for not responding individually.

I was at the hospital last night until almost midnight and left utterly exhausted (but with my daughter resting comfortably). We had a bit of a scare late in the evening as her heartbeat got very irregular and they ended up doing an EKG, which did turn out to be normal. There is a history of Afib in the family and the doctor on call suspected that the combination of the fluids and anestheia from surgery probably set off the arrhymthia and told my daughter to keep an eye out that there might be a possibility as she gets older of developing it. So that was fun. I then got in the car to drive home, and completely melted down and realized I had gotten very triggered by watching my daughter get her EKG (a combo of my past and having been through a number of scarey hospitalizations with my husband and knowing that it was ok to fall apart because we were through the worst). I came home and crashed, and my husband who left early yesterday, went down this morning and is bringing my daughter home. I have that dazed sense of "oh yes, something else besides the inside of the hospital exists."

I am very grateful that it all went as it did and they figured out what is wrong and that my daughter came through the surgery so well, but I am feeling incredibly depleted. I see my T for the first time in three weeks on Tuesday and I may just sit there for an hour. It would be soothing.


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