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"I can handle your needs."
when I said I feel so needy, she said, "so what?"
"I'm in this with you, I'm not going anywhere."

I have HUGE insecurities about my needs and being too needy. I don't know where the balance is, so I just shut off my needs in relationships. Therapy has been eye opening. My T has been so consistent and steady in accepting me and my needs (which I'm showing a little more). It feels so vulnerable..the most vulnerable I've ever been. But her saying she can handle my needs and her reassurance has been so helpful...even if I need her to be a broken record and repeat that ALL THE TIME.
- Just looks at me with respect and acceptance.. his silence somehow says more than words ever could..
"youre really brave"
"Nothing is black and white, there are a million shades of grey.."
"I'm proud of you."
"Can you believe that I care about you?"
"Are you able to talk about it?"
"You go where few people are willing to go"
"I will endeavor to never abandon you.."

but we have started termination, I only have another few months left with him..
Welcome Joanna. I'm sorry you are having to terminate with a T that sounds wonderful. Do you feel like sharing the circumstances?

My T says lots of wonderful things like:

You are not alone
We can handle anything together
I like and enjoy you
I care about you
You can come as long as you want to
And that LOOK which says so much

and lots of other things that help me to trust him.

Hi, True North (and everyone else...)

I've been with my therapist for almost 4 years now. I do not suffer from any long term condition such as depression, I've just had difficult life circumstances. I started therapy in a last-ditch effort to save my marriage. My husband is an addict which caused us a lot of grief and was undiagnosed at the time. I also grew up in an emotionally abusive home and was also sexually abused as a teenager. Throw it all in and my life was on the verge of falling apart..

I hated my therapist in the beginning (You could say I hated all men...) and for the first six months I just went through the motions. Then transference hit me out of the blue - suddenly - and caught me by surprise. The next three years were excruciatingly difficult and beautiful. He dealt with my feelings for him wonderfully - so understanding and accepting yet keeping firm boundaries.

My therapist brought up termination about 2 months ago from something I threw in. He very gently suggested it, saying that whilst I might never want to end therapy, my subconscious mind would. I was, understandably, devastated. But logically I knew that he would have to be the one to end; I never could, I'm too bound to him. And termination has been beautiful in its own right - We have "tied up some loose ends", sorted out all the guilt feelings I have associated with wanting him, and dealt with the crushing abandonment and its associated feelings termination brought up.

So yes, it had to happen. And I still have another 6 months to wind down. It's giving me an extra push to really say things and go places I probably wouldn't if I wouldn't be ending with him.

On the plus side, my marriage is doing better than I have ever thought possible. We are both in a twelve step support group to help us with the addiction and I have wonderful friends over there as well. So yes, every cloud definitely has a silver lining..

An NHS therapist I worked with used to suddenly say

'god, you are bright' it still comes to mind sometimes. He once said he thought I must be reading psych books, but realised I was just figuring it out for myself!!! lol. I do read psych books now as I'm studying for a psychology degree!

My current T, a few weeks back, during the sitting on the floor holding me time said:

'I want to go back in time, wrap little 'SB' up and run off with her and keep her safe' It was the first time anyone had ever said they wished they could rescue me, it was really moving and gentle. I wish she could have really done that - but at least someone in the universe wants to.

((( Welcome LBJ))) That is so cool what your T said: "If it weren't for your Trauma" both of you would have never met. That's really heartwarming, and a very caring thing to say.
(((AFFINITY)))Your T sounds really wonderfully emotionally strong toward you saying "I honor you", and "I won't physically touch you, but I do hope to emotionally touch you". Those things sound so genuine and very healing. All very powerful indeed.

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