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I've read through many discussions on this webiste of transference and how it has affected folks and/or their therapists. Truthfully, having read the information and thoughts of others, I feel a bit more normal, although I'm not entirely convinced what I'm going through is transference related.

To make a long story short ... I've worked with 2 therapists over the last eight or so years. They work in the same office. I've gone back and forth due to schedules, insurance, their pregnancies, etc. Two years ago, T1 took a leave and left the practice and moved away. I chose to stay with T2. T1 came back a couple of months ago and I have had the choice of seeing either one of them. I went back and forth with each of them over the last two months. Out of fear of what felt like (but wasn't able to verbalize) transference, I quickly ran away from T1. I went straight to T2.

My thing is this: I want to work with T1. She has helped me in immense ways and has been a huge support to me. I've talked about transference with T2 - both in general and how it might be the case with T1 - however she has never mentioned a way of working through it. And so I've come here, wondering if it's possible to work with the therapist (successfully) that you have transference feelings for? And if it is, how do you do it?

(The kind of transference I'm feeling is more of the friend/older sister type, if that makes any difference.)
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Hi msmandy, and welcome!

You`ve asked an important question, and its hard to answer it. You are not sure whether or not this is a transeferene matter? Thats depends on how you define "transeferense". In a broad meaning, transeferense is simply a human respons to the helper. (or autorothy figures and so on)In this case, with your T1, you describe the relation feelings as sibling-transeferense. The therapy is supposed to create and establish a transefernese- and make it a part of the healing, -so the answer must be YES IT IS POSSIBLE TO WORK WITH TRANSEFERENCE. Its a uniqe way to work in the depth, and its actually a great opportunity to get to the core of your issues and needs, as the transeferense may awake these "hidden" things in you.

This is just a genral answer, people experience this very differently, but i know that for me, the transeference, and working through/with it IS my therapy.

Did you ran away from t1 because the feelings scared you?


I want to work with T1. She has helped me in immense ways and has been a huge support to me.

..whats stopping you? I guess your T2 havent menshioned the way of working though the transeferense, because thats really just not an given answer to it. Its a process, and the way to work on it is dependent on you and your T.

sorry, this was kind of rambling answer! I hope you will figure this out, and maybe go back to t1? no reason to run away from this strong and good (healing) feelings, i would say...
I have had erotic transference with my P for the whole time I have been seeing him (10 years). We are just now really starting to work on it but thats cause I was to scared to do it before. I have constantly asked my P how do you work through the transference. He can never give me a specific step by step detailed answer like I really want. He says you just talk about it. Verbalize what you are feeling and just talk and thats how you do it. It has been a long and difficult process for me but mainly because I have so much fear and worried about loosing him. But he has stuck by my side through this and we had the best session we had ever had this last week when I really opened up and told him how I feel about him. And I am getting to where I just say what I think or feel. If I am feeling like I want him as a dad then I tell him that, if I am jealous of his kids I let him know, if I want to have sex with him and I am thinking about that then I tell him. Being able to be that honest with him has made it easier to deal with. No more secrets so I am no longer holding it all in and having to deal with it on my own,

It is possible to work through it with the one you are having the transference for and my other T lets me talk to her about the feelings but then encourages me to go talk to my P about it because that is where the real and hard work must be done. But it is nice to have someone else to discuss the feelings and get them out as practice before going to my P and doing it.

The way you work through transference depends on you and who you are working with but the first step is to just be honest about it and start talking.
Welcome msmandy!

Pippi! Long time no see, girl! Good to see ya.

Gosh, msmandy your situation switching between t's sound intensely confusing. I can barely handle one T, let alone two! I feel for you. I think transference is pretty common, or, at least my T has said "it does happen." (???) So I think you are normal as far as the intensely confusing bit. It can be really hard to feel like this person cares about you...maybe? For me, it';s hard to think they care, and then be let down by that, they can't be part of everyday life and available whenever I need that person. Sometimes, I really desperately need my T and no one else, and he is just not available whenever I need him, but only at the "scheduled times." I just find that really painful. Anyway, you are in good company here. I think the best you can do is to talk it all through as honestly as you possibly can (scary I know) with your T that you feel attached to. Hopefully she's a good one who can help you out with those painful feelings. Oh, and read all AG's posts...

good luck! keep posting as you need to.


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