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I agree w/ Outsider. If I'd say that now & where I am in T they would know not to bother talking me out of it, too volatile. Really depends on how u word it & how well you know ur T. If u just want it said out loud, then see where it goes. Could give you insight on how your T reacts. With understanding & help? With comfort? With a phone call to authorities? Would be good to know TAS.
We have freely discussed this on several occasions. The challenges of living out there on top of pain in therapy made me want an "off" button from feelings, not so much from life. These days I am more inclined to think of ending my life only if I become incapacitated enough to not enjoy it in any way. I suspect even then my instinct to survive will kick in again, and have me test that decision to the max.
Rabbit Ears, Catalyst, Outsider, Jillian, Rebuilding Me, RT aka Ketchup Wink, and Muff...Thank you for your replies...I have a hard time letting him in on my personal struggles...I know, I know...that is what he is there for...

Mudd...I don't know how he would react. I think he would be firm and let me know under no circumstances would he continue seeing me if I tried something without letting him know I was struggling.

I think he would be curious as to what was causing me these feelings...which I have a very difficult time talking about...

I don't even know if I know him well enough to share something like this with him. I know for certain he wouldn't react because he is not a reactive person.

Thank you to each of you for your input. I truly appreciate it.

Knowing for me was huge relief. Really, really important for me though is learning and experiencing that T wants to be there for me no matter what, that I can trust T. I know her boundaries too. I know that if I call, her goal is to work with me first to find a safe place by talking. I know exactly the steps we will do together to keep me safe. I know that T. cares so much for me and our relationship, that I understand, accept and respect her boundaries. Having those boundaries made me feel safe. So safe that I contracted with her on this issue.
Just wanted to point something out (maybe I misunderstood?) You said

"Mudd...I don't know how he would react. I think he would be firm and let me know under no circumstances would he continue seeing me if I tried something without letting him know I was struggling."

Well, you would be telling him that you were struggling and having those thoughts, so it would seem like an odd time to threaten not to see you anymore if you DIDN'T let him know.

I've told my T what you said a number of times - he has handled it very calmly, and we discussed it in the same tone of voice we would use to talk about mundane things. It calmed me down a lot to be able to talk to someone about it. I think that's why he behaved that way - so that I will be more likely to tell him any time I'm feeling that way - which is a lot more clever than saying "if you don't talk to me about this and try something you are fired!"

Of course as Mudd said, the reaction would probably depend on what state you are in. From all these answers, you can see that many people talk about it and do not get sent straight to a hospital.
I have said this to my T and have been very low and we discuss it. I trust her too. She has told me that she struggles when I am like this and we talk about it. I have told her that her suggesting Hospital would make me run from her. When I am really low though - I don't tell her until afterwards.

The main thing is that you need to talk about it and to know how your T would handle it.
My T told me that there was much healing and learning in walking together through those very, very low, dark times. T's goal would not be to jump to calling 911, but instead work through it and only if we can't, and only if I can't be safe or follow a plan, she will do anything it takes to keep me safe. That makes me feel good that someone cares that much. It makes me feel safe. And, I am learning that walking together through these times is a lot easier than going it alone.

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