I had an interesting experience around notes. My first therapist (who I saw for several bouts of therapy over a course of 22+ years) NEVER took notes during session. She wrote them up afterwards. So the first time I saw my present T it was a bit jarring because he keeps a yellow legal pad in his lap and takes notes during session. At first it made me very self-conscious because as soon as he started writing I would think "whoa, what, what did I just say?!

I brought it up to him and he offered to let me read them and I said no, because at the time I was too timid to say yes, honestly.
As time went by, I became accustomed to it and then quite comfortable so that now I barely notice it. Everyone once in a while it crosses my mind to ask to read them, especially since I know he will say yes (which is not true at all times with my T, trust me.

) but there is always a small, still voice inside me which says no. I trust that instinct.
The truth is that so much of our relationship and what is healing about it, is the intangible connection between us when we are together. There is no way to reduce that to words on paper. So I think if were to read the notes, it would feel too clinical because important information would be missing. I also know my T well enough now that most of his note taking seems to be more about things he wants to make sure he remembers.

Another part of my attitude is that the notes are HIS work tool and in a weird way I think he deserves privacy about them, the same way I want to keep my journal private although a lot of it is about him. So no, I wouldn't read them. I seem to be a bit odd judging from the other replies.