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As part of the fallout of feeling pushed away by T, which brought on some major transference stuff (which still does not feel AT ALL about my childhood or my parents, even though I know intellectually that it is about them and not T), the back of my mind started writing a sort of fairy tale about Kiddo's journey. I'm not making it verbatim everything in my life (like, excluding siblings and a few things slightly chronologically out of order), but it is a pretty good general analogy for how I think Kiddo would feel about things. I've named her "Ko" in the story, which is short for Kiddo K---o and also is the character for "child" in Japanese.

Anyway, it has been a really interesting experience, because my creative writing is nearly always poetry and when it is short fiction, it is usually very modern. But Kiddo is an itty bitty, so she seems to want a fairy tale type story instead. It will probably only be a few pages long. Has anyone else felt compelled to do something like this for their little parts? I feel a bit taken over by it. It really draws me in. I am having some dreams about it. After writing a couple of paragraphs, I get so tired that I need to break and sleep. It's like it's being woven somewhere inside me and then I go and look at this tapestry and try to describe it on paper. Such a strange feeling.
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Thanks, LG. I'd love to see what you come up with.

I need to pick a representation for T. It is still being written in my head faster than I can write it down myself.

So far, I have:

Mom = Sorceress who turns into a witch
Dad = (False) prophet
Grandma (mom figure) = Oracle
People who did bad stuff = Dark creatures (not too much differentiating as I don't have it in me to dwell on each of these people individually)
High school teacher whose care kept me from killing myself (also a dad-transference person) = Owl who "sees" Ko when she should be invisible
God = Tree
H = Raven, who protects Ko, but also steals dreams Frowner
T = ?

T could be a new prophet. He could be some sort of animal. I really don't know. Hmmm...

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