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I never have, but used to be very worried about it. Usually, I go to the bathroom immediately before the session so to avoid any issues.

Now that I'm more comfortable with T I'm not as worried. I think once I wasn't feeling well (ate bad gassy stuff) so I told her to expect some fowl moments and to please excuse me when it happened. But it hasn't yet. Smiler

Side Note:

A T that I consulted with once did therapy with a dog in the room. I thought that was so cool... until the dog started farting, LOUDLY, during the sessions.

I just looked at it and then at the T and hoped he realized it was the dog and not me Eeker
I don't think I've farted in therapy yet. BUT, I've learned from the CD's I have from another somatic T that passing gas is one of the signs of discharge in the nervous system. In other words, it means you're able to relax. So maybe the more comfortable you get with your T the more likely it would be to happen Razzer
This thread made me laugh. That is another benefit to bringing my dog to therapy - I can blame any body noises on her. Mind you, I try to feed HER treats that make her non-gassy on T day because it is humiliating when she drops a bomb and I worry the T will think it is me!! This dog can clear a room/car...and has on more than one occasion!

At a psychiatrist appt once (he isn't much of a dog person but lets me bring her), she gets up, points her butt in his direction, "play bows" with butt in the air...and yup....lets out a loud one. I was mortified. He doesn't acknowledge her at all ever, so he had to keep going and pretend nothing happened on that day!
This thread is awesome lol. I can't imagine my therapist doing anything like that. I think its because I've put her in this image of perfection which isn't good really. I forget that she is just human sometimes.

She's so small and dainty though that her farting would probably crack me up or make me feel really awkward. I only imagine her eating cup cakes with fine bone china tea whilst gliding slowly around the garden patio. The fact that she does and experiences all bodily functions as we all do seems to surprise me! :S.

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