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I have no idea what happened as Syracuse is usually really good about handling snow, but the roads and traffic were HORRIBLE this morning with the highway bumper to bumper. My normal drive to my T's is about 25 mins and this morning it took me an hour and 20 mins. Which was really painful since this was my first appt in over 4 months!
Eeker Bless the man though, I called his service and he called me back to offer a 10:30 cancelation. Yippee! Big Grin

Hope everyone stays warm! Big Grin

My new favorite ice cream is Ginger Snaps made by Turkey Hill. I had to stock up because I don't think they sell it all year long. Kind of like the Pumpkin ice cream.

T appointment went well..working through some hard stuff but she has been great. I think she likes me again.LOL

Stupid question Where is OZ? Kansas? like The Wizard of OZ

Draggs, good idea about packing it in the snow. Stay warm and safe everyone

We got hit with a bunch of snow up here on Ontario (we were suppose to get more though).

Crappy thing was that I had an exam to write the morning that we were going to get hit 45 mins away. I called the day before and asked if it would be canceled but was told no since it is nationally written exam.

So I planned to stay at a friend's house the night before and decided that I could walk to my exam if worse came to worse. Thankfully the buses were running and I made it on time.

Actually I think that it probably worked better this way because I was so focused on the weather and actually physically getting to the exam, that I did not have much time to get nervous right before.
ok, four days kids home for snow, now the weekend, i have missed both pa sessions this week. i am ok, amazing. would a been dead last year.

really miss dr. pa.

pray for sunshine and warmer temps for all of us missing our t's this week!!!

i have this sense of 'being mad' at him, pouty. i know that is old stuff. and i won't be that way, but it is interesting now to note where that stuff...illogical stuff for the present...comes from.

i think i see the sun!! jill

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