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That song always resonated very deeply with me. So deeply I sent the youtube video to my oldT to open the conversation about my childhood. He agreed it was a very powerful song but we didn't get too far in the conversation because he was more reluctant than I was (which I understand NOW.. I thought I was doing something wrong).

I may send it to my current T at some point when I feel ready to go there.

Why is it blocked in some countries?

Of course I ignored the trigger warning. And of course I am crying now. I can cry for a fictional girl in a video, but not for the "little girl" I was (still am somewhere deep down) who had so many awful experiences. dissociation.

But, also, it makes me so proud about how hard I am working with H to keep our family together and give my little girl a different life. I don't want to forget that I had a choice, just a year ago, that could have meant a very different home and childhood for my daughter. But we are fighting to keep our family and home a secure place for us all, especially my little Boo (that's the nickname that stuck with her since she was born, also because when she first started wearing pigtails, she looked like Boo from Monster's Inc).

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