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Hi Blanket Girl,

I can relate. My dad was my hero too. Everything was magical when I was with him. He was so much fun and I felt so loved. He died and my world fell apart. His name is rarely mentioned in my family, like as if he was never here. I know I should be happy to have such a loving parent but a few years doesn't seem fair.


My dad was my hero too. Everything was magical when I was with him. He was so much fun and I felt so loved. He died and my world fell apart. His name is rarely mentioned in my family, like as if he was never here.

Ditto everything you have just said. I can so relate to that pain and nothing ever makes it better. My dad was my stability when everything else was going very wrong in my life and then he died and that raw hurt has never gone away. I can hardly even talk about it in T, it hurts too much and triggers so many other losses. One day I hope to with my lovely T, who tells me she will help me grieve in a way that I know I never have. One day I hope to look back at happy memories on Father's Day...not just on hurt and pain.

Thank you as well for sharing that poem BG, it came right from your heart. I hope that the rest of your day is manageable (((BG)))

Thanks ((Starfishy)), I'm glad to hear you have a lovely T to help you in the process.Your T sounds like she/he is really understanding. I'm struggling to talk about it in T aswell. I don't feel my T really relates to my strong bond with my dad so finding it hard to trust her.I feel scared to share memories that are so sacred to me because I don't want T to pull them apart or like you said trigger other losses. All I can say is baby steps...

BG - I liked your poem too, your words speak your truth which is really courageous. Thank you for starting this topic, I've never felt comfortable or able to talk about it with anyone before.

Take care everyone.
My father died of cancer when I was 8 months old....I've been angry most of my life because I don't have any memories of him. I think I am actually jealous of my children because they have a father....sometimes when I watch my girls with my H I feel so confused inside. I want to understand what they feel about their dad. I do know I stay in my (unhappy) marriage because I don't want to take the kids away from their dad.

Hugs to all of you who had a difficult day yesterday!

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