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Hi BG... thanks for letting us know where you will be so we don't worry 'bout you. That really sucks about your dh's job. So sorry. I hope his opportunities work out and that you can still enjoy this vacation that you all deserve to have.

Sounds like you have been doing really well in therapy and a break won't be harmful in any way. I know you have been contemplating that you are about done with it. This is a good time to see how it goes for you w/o therapy.

I wish you a lot of fun with your family and good weather!

I know there is nothing more stressful for a man with a family than getting laid off...I'm sorry to hear all of you are going through this. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders and will weather this alright...especially since he clearly has such an accepting and supportive spouse. Good for you BG. You are an inspiration to me.

Enjoy your camping trip, and I hope that things settle soon for you and your lovely family.


((((((((( BG ))))))))

I'm really sorry to hear about your husband's losing his job, and that he's really depressed about it. I hope it's a (very) temporary thing.

And I'm also sorry you are feeling too stressed to continue in therapy Frowner

Maybe this camping weekend will give you both a breather from all this crap and next week things will seem a little less bleak. I hope so.

BG - I am sorry to hear about your hubby's job issue. So much of that is happening and it is so stressful. I'm sure something is right around the corner for him.

As for your vacation trip - it sounds great! I have never been camping besides Girl Scouts when I was a kid at camp. I've always wanted to go. I'm not sleeping on the ground though!!! I need at least a cot and a decent bathroom. Smiler Have a great time
Yaku - HP was by far one of the best movies yet - I think it stuck to the book the closest of all the movies (probably because it had the least amount of pages to cover!) That's just my opinion though, and I hope you enjoy it!

BG and AG, as always, though I might not be posting much these days, I always appreciate your insights when you share your experiences!

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