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((AH)) Wow! Your thoughts and feelings are so right on and powerful, Thank You. When I was reading your intense thoughts, I could just feel what you were saying. You definitely make me also feel great hope, when you said that you could not control things done to you as a child, but you can fight for something better for your future.
And you said there IS SOMETHING BETTER. YOU ARE SO STRONG, AND SO RIGHT ON!! I have no doubt that your future will be extremely bright for you. Thank You again for giving me and others hope for better things..A zillion hugs Hug two
((((eme)))) ((((becca)))) ((((about)))) ((((quell))))

Thank you for each and all for the kind words Hug two

Everything is really there and applies to you guys about the future too. It is something we will reach, all the effort will be worth it. It is hard and scary, but we can do this. We have each other here, there is always support. No one has to do this alone, and it is possible to find the peace we are seeking, the healing and comfort we are working so hard for. Keep fighting for it, keep believing in it, no matter what bumps in the road come along the way. Even if it's just an inch at a time, that counts and adds up. We can do this.

AH you are amazingly strong. You have a good and clear understanding of many things that elude so many others. Yet, I know there will be days that you falter, because you are only human. When you do, I want you to come back here and read your powerful words and remember how strong and determined you are. You can do this. You can make huge strides until the time when you can find yourself another T to process the relationship part of things. In the meantime, you are correct, we are all here supporting you.


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