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(((quell))) Thanks, glad it gave you a chuckle! Big Grin I haven't been over to other thread again yet, but wanted to say great job in speaking with your T, I know things are feeling rough now, but keep hanging in there and I really hope you find a great person to work with, you deserve that Smiler

(((ninn))) That would be an interesting addition to a couples session! I'm a huge animal lover so being within 5 feet of one gets me all giddy Smiler Thank you, I'm trying to look on the bright side, some days are harder than others. I'm sorry for how much you are going through too, I hope things ease up soon
This was good to read and hear you excited about the possibilities of this new T. The animal bit made me Big Grin, my T has a cat that she brings in sometimes and its amazing how they comfort and what they can pick up too. Sometimes I have managed to talk by looking at T cat and not at T Wink. I hope this works out for you and you enjoy the labradoodle Big Grin
((AH)) This was wonderful to read, and I find it very encouraging that you can already tell a difference between your Old T and your New T. She sounds like an excellent therapist. I hope your discussion with her goes well and that she is comfortable discussing old T with you. I think it very wise that you are going to face it head on in the beginning. She sounds like a wonderful fit and someone who could help you heal.

(((ninn))) Oh I love the idea of bringing kitties!! Smiler I'm sorry to hear you went through that with your son Frowner that is so awesome to me when they use animals to comfort patients, especially kids seem to respond so well to that

(((pingles))) thank you!! I love that your T does that Big Grin I imagine I will react the same way. Frankly I think I'd do a lot better if I could have a dog be the only one in the room with me!! lol my 2 pet dogs have an amazing way of sensing my emotions, and they truly respond differently if I'm sad. I notice they will snuggle on me, sometimes before I even realize I'm feeling down. It is a beautiful thing to see

(((AH))) So glad to see you around, I've missed you!! I really hope things work out too, I'm nervous but hopeful. If not, I don't suppose BN could be lent out for a bit?? kidding, kidding Big Grin but I am always amazed at how awesome he sounds, I am really thankful you have that support. I will send update on newT, supposed to go in on thursday. Here goes nothing! Wink

's to all

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