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Dear BeeBee...please leave your last posts up and I thank you for being so kind and supportive of me. You have never ever said anything that upset me and you are such a good person with a loving heart. Thank you for missing me already. I miss myself too. That girl who just a few months ago was so hopeful and feeling so safe and secure in her therapy. Knowing her therapist was kind and safe and understanding. She was finding herself again, believing in the future. She was learning to play, daring to dream of finishing school and starting a new career, she was allowing closeness and she was starting to find her feet... growing into someone who could trust again and actually believe in herself because her T believe in her so much. Then something went terribly wrong and that girl, whose spirit was fragile but growing stronger each week, she is now gone. She is now only a ghost who walks around and disappears a little more each day until there will be nothing left to her... just a wisp of fog.

So BeeBee thank you for being you. I am honored to have known you on this Board and to know your kindness. I wish you all the best in your therapy journey. I hope you find nothing but good in it.

Just in case you are around perchance, TN...I've been thinking a lot about you, and what happened here...I hope you are doing ok, today...I really want to say that I think everything that was said on your thread here was meant truly in the spirit of care and selfless trying to help...and was never intended to hurt you or drive you away, at all. I really hope you will come back when you can, and repair. We miss you- and we miss UV, too. However I understand if that is not possible at this time.


TN, you don't know me, I am new here, but i do know what it is like to have therapy get very difficult and even damaging, so I would like to send you safe hugs and real heart care. I hope you find a way forward in this dark and difficult space, it is so hard this therapy. would not wish it on my worst enemy, none of us would. It takes so much courage and strength and requires that we feel safe and respected. I hope you find the safety and respect that you need. Please take good care of yourself right now.

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