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Well, needless to say I feel bad for complaining about my own break when I know so many are in the midst of the same thing. I guess I need a place to write this out to someone, so thanks in advance.

I'm now on a 14 day break from my T (although she's working till Thursday), and..of course..I'm already struggling. My last session was yesterday (Tuesday) and it was good but a little unsettling. There's been a lot of stuff coming up lately that I'm just not used to and it makes me scared to go into a two week break and be by myself with this. At my session my T asked me how I felt about her leaving and I said that I was scared and also that I was nervous to be so dependent on her. She said that it makes her nervous, too. Frowner So we talked about ways I'll cope when she's gone and also at what point I should call the back-up T.

I tried to tell her that I'd be fine, that I've been coping fine (which is true) and that it won't be a big deal that she's gone. I kind of thought all of that would (and still may) be true, but a day later I've already thought seriously about calling her, which never happens. I felt so guilty for not being stable enough or whatever so that my T didn't have to be nervous or worried about how I'd deal over the next couple weeks.

So, today, I was in the middle of about a 2 1/2 hour drive and felt nauseous all the sudden and for no apparent reason. Feeling nauseous totally triggered...something and I completely broke down. I was still driving, thought I was okay. Well later, still crying, I started to have a panic attack (which doesn't happen often) and pulled over. After it passed I realized that there was a stretch of about 30 minutes that I don't remember at all. I know that that sort of thing happens a lot and isn't necessarily bad, but it didn't feel like normal "highway hypnosis" if you know what I mean. It felt more..blank or something. But I know I had been upset that whole time so it bothered me that I hadn't pulled over.

I thought for a long time about whether I should call my T because I was just feeling really, really unsettled and kind of a mess. And maybe last week I would have but after my T saying that my dependence made her nervous I decided not to call. My T is still in town, but I don't think I could handle it if anything I said made her think more that I'm not going to be able to deal with this break. Actually, I think worrying about that would make the break harder. I know I should trust that my T can take care of herself, but I still worry. A lot.

Anyway, I'm sorry to ramble. Thanks for reading and hugs to all who are going through breaks right now.
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I'm sorry you are facing such a long break and especially when things are coming up that are new and uncomfortable.

after my T saying that my dependence made her nervous I decided not to call.

I don't think she was saying that your dependence made her nervous. I think she was saying that she was worried about how you would cope alone while she is gone. I think that was the part that made her nervous, not the dependence.

I'm sorry you are struggling so much and that you experienced such a bad episode today. I think it would be fine to touch base with your T before she leaves if you think it would help settle things before the long break. Your T can take care of herself. I know, easier said than done.

ARg, Kashley, I just really wish she hadn't said that right now of all times. I hope you will get up your courage and call and tell her how much that comment bothered you and that it is making you feel panicked even more about needing her, and wanting to stuff that need to "protect" her. She needs to know this...and it would be helping her to help you to tell her. She did tell you to call if you need to, right?


STRM, BB, thank you so much.

Thanks for the 'other' take on her comment, STRM. I think I was probably more sensitive to her response because I've never even verbally said (although I know she knows) that I'm at all dependent on her. She's always so kind and caring to me that I know her response probably was out of worry for me, but I also kind of felt like all of my fears about needing her were confirmed. It's so hard to fight that initial reaction. And maybe if I just keep telling myself that my T can take care of herself then I'll eventually believe it... ? Lol

BB thank you. In some ways it doesn't feel "okay" to have a problem with anything she says. It seems like, as long as she meant it to help, then it shouldn't matter how it came across to me. She didn't explicitly say it's okay to call between now and by the time she leaves, but it's probably okay. I feel like a totally wimp and coward for it, but I'm also scared that if I call her and she's worried or something that she will want me to set up an appointment for a phone call with the back-up T. I am *so* scared to have to open up to anyone besides my T that it's ridiculous. I feel so, so weak for being as scared as I am to do that.

Ugh. Ok, I should just suck it up and call her. But I'll need to wait until tomorrow since it's late right now. None of this feels doesn't feel okay that I can't seem to manage while she's gone. Thanks to you both. Sorry to be so full of drama!

You aren't full of drama! You are in pain and justifiably so. The reason I heard the comment differently is because my T said she was worried and nervous about leaving me and so when I read what you wrote it struck me the same as what my T had said. I hope it didn't come across as me invalidating your take on what she said. I just immediately jumped to her being concerned about you being on your own with hard stuff.

Hi K!

In the middle of a 5 week break myself. Only 8 more days to go. I know the anxiety of having your T go on vacation. (((Kashley)))

Please do call your T tomorrow. I agree with STRM that her comment wasn't about her being worried about your dependency, but a statement about her worrying about how you were going to handle the break.

Sorry about your panic attack and blanking out. That is unsettling, I'm sure. I think it would be good to contact your T and let her know about this. Plus, keep posting here for support as much as you need to. You're not "full of drama"--you're struggling with dealing with a break. And you're not alone. Smiler

MTF, I'm sorry I haven't been more supportive lately. Frowner But I have been following along and I am so sorry that you have such a long break to deal with. That is so impossibly hard. Frowner I'm glad you're coming down to the last week.

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. I've been trying to bolster up my resolve to call T tomorrow (or, today technically..ugh.). But it took a major hit when I realized that I'd be calling the day before she leaves the freaking country. I'm still going to make myself call, though. I really hope I don't chicken out.

Just wanted to send hugs and support. My T was just away and I had an 11 day break. It was hard. And, now he's off on Monday because of the holiday and that's my usual appointment day and so I have another break coming up. I understand your anxiety over what your T said. It's also a good idea to clarify it with her. Hope you work up the courage to call her about it.

(((((Kashley))))) I am sorry you are experiencing so much pain. I hope you manage to make that call. You having nothing to feel guilty for, I agree with STRM that your T is concerned because you will be without her and I am sure she would want you to call if you felt that would help. It sounds like a scary experience you had and I hope you are able to reach out for the support that you need.

LL, Liese, Butterfly, thank you so much for your support. I'm kind of shaky and feeling like I just want to hide in a corner for a while. I am at home with my mother right now because I needed to come take care of some things and I'm not able to be alone for long enough to call my T. Let alone be able to deal with stuff that comes up if I call my T. I sat for a long time trying to think of ways I could make time for myself to call her but considering this is the last day I can call, I can't figure out a way. If I had another day I could probably do it...ugh. I should have just called yesterday. Frowner

Thanks guys. Having you all to share this with helps so much.

I hope you were able to find the space to call... I actually listened to a VM my T left on my phone like 5 months ago (yes, I've saved it) and just hearing her voice was helpful, so maybe, at least you can do that while your T is away?

MTF - I can't believe it's only 8 days left! You're in the home stretch!
Kashley... I'm sorry you are suffering so much and your T being away so hard to bear. I'm not sure what to say except that I am thinking of you and I hope you will continue letting us know what you are thinking and feeling.

I hope you can have a nice 4th of July weekend and do something fun and distracting. Your T will be back so and I hope the time flies for you.


Things have been okay...I've stayed distracted which has helped me stay numb and kind of keep everything quiet inside. Sometimes though I feel this overwhelming tiredness from shutting everything up. But it's okay. *definitely* has not made the time pass any more quickly.

A little over 9 days left. I think, after more than a year, I am starting to feel (maybe, possibly..) attached to my T because this sucks!
Big Grin Frowner Nuclear
attachment definitely has thrown me for a loop...

I actually decided tonight that I did fine without my T, because any time I felt that I really needed her, I asked myself what having her home would do. Answer? Nothing, because I'm not comfortable calling her... yet.

(Though looking at what I wrote above... maybe I didn't do so fine...)

Anyway - keep posting here Kashley, I know it helped me to countdown with STRM during this break. We're here for you!

Thank you both. I've been doing better with bad coping stuff lately but, gosh, it's hard right now. ED stuff is kicking up a lot, and even though I haven't had a drink in several weeks I'm fighting myself now. I think it's because I'm afraid to face all of this stuff inside without my T here, so all of the bad coping stuff seems like a really good idea.

((R2G)) I'm sorry you have trouble calling your T. That is a huge, huge problem for me, too. Go figure that literally the first time I wanted (and needed?) to call her for support, I couldn't. Oh well.

Thank you all for being here for me. Sorry if my presence around here is a little spotty. I'm also in the midst of studying for the GRE and packing to move apartments.
I think I'm apathetic at this point, or at least it seems that way on the surface. I also feel like I'm about to explode but I can't find a way to express anything.

I feel stuck, like I can't concentrate or do anything for long because it's like I'm fighting some sort of paralysis. And all of the bad coping stuff is coming up again and I hate myself for not fighting hard enough to keep it at bay.

Sorry to vent. I needed to get something out because well, it's a little hard to think coherently for long. 6 more days..

Thanks for listening

I'm sorry you are struggling. I know 6 more days seems like forever, but it will eventually pass and your T will be back. I think the apathy and exploding at the same time is a really good explanation. It's like there is so much in there that you need your T for, but she isn't there so there comes the apathy because I know for me it was like, "what's the point?".

Hang in there! It will be over soon.


Wow, that is so interesting about the migraines!! I literally had a headache for 11 straight days while my T was gone and the first few days back so far. It got really bad after my session yesterday. I took it as resulting from holding everything in. Very curious that you had that symptom as well! I hope your head feels better soon and these next days pass quickly!!!

I truly never knew that it was possible for days to pass so slowly...!!! And I'm confused because I think I'm apathetic about everything now, but I'm also still (secretly, or not so much) counting down until Tuesday. Things are staying under wraps now, for the most part, which is good. But it almost feels like it's physically hurting to keep things contained. Oh well. Just a few more days.

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