I have been dealing with hand issues for a couple months now beyond whats normal for my Arthritis especialy in my right thumb wrist region. It has been hurting to try and open things, even holding a plate with food on it can trigger the pain if I don't use both hands or something dumb like that.
I went to the doctor about it and he sorta looked at it and said it was tendonitis but that was it and i tried icing it but nothing has helped and it keeps getting worse so I went back to the doctor and he examined it again and now he says I have: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis which can happen with Rheumatoid arth. The treatment for it is basicaly ice it, rest it. immobalize it with a thumb spica splints... blah.. im sick fo splints.. i know its stupid and little and like.. oh come on.... I have much WORSE pain to deal with but this is just one of those itches in my body that really is breaking the camels back. I actually feel depressed and tearful over this crap because it's MORE to add to the list of things WRONG with my body. i HATE my body. Ugh... im so sick of this... soooo sick of it...
so yeh... now my hands are *&%(++# you get the message.... good thing I stopped playing the cello and let that dream burst before graduating from high school.... sigh...
Izzie the very broken butterfly 'warrior'