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We are taking a big risk here so might get an attack of the delete button later but as you were brave enough to post the questions here goes ...

1. stayed in therapy and had t stay with me in therapy Smiler believe me we have some professionals walk out on us
2. cried in therapy for the first time ever last week Frowner
3. learnt what certain feelings are like, sad, mad and they are inside body things not just names - this ones a major work in progress
4. and this is the biggy (and didn't it have to happen in the last session Roll Eyes , said out loud to t that i have parts (we prefers the word parts for our littles, and bigs) - something we have always known in our heads but now have owned out loud Eeker )
5. stopped writing letters to Freud (ok let me explain here, t has a poster thingy of freud and we started t, she let us write before we were better at speaking and we used to write letters about things to freud) Wink
6. we write letters still but they are to t instead and not as often cos we speak a bit more now Big Grin
7. told t we would miss her cos we aint never had no-one to miss before Frowner
8, talked to people here Big Grin and read and learned here too Big Grin
9. going forward - just keep trying i guess and ring that bell of t's on jan 7th even if we aint sure shes gonna be there Roll Eyes
10. keep cuddling our cuddle cushion t bought me in session when needed Roll Eyes
I wrote some of these out the other day and told my T and I also asked her what her highlights were. I also asked her what she had learnt from me.

This was a very tumultuous year with my T. We had some severe ruptures - with the last one, I told her we were over until she could get her shit together.....I wrote and wrote and talked and talked until she finally understood what she was doing wrong. I know she understood because she CRIED during our session and apologised many times.

It was a brutally raw and honest time for us both. I kept going back to T when she stuffed up and she stuffed up a lot. I never go back to people ever. People get 1 chance only with me. I went back to her time and time again. I told her she was letting me down like the rest of the people in my life and she had to be better than that.

* I learnt a couple of emotions - especially sadness, i learnt how to sit with it, I learnt how to cry and sometimes I do it with my T but i don't feel good about it.

* T and I changed seating positions, we go for walks to a park or around the streets. We can sit close to each other or lie on grass or the same bench together.

* We did therapy at a cemetery on the anniversary of my friend's death - I have a problem with grief......

* I am less scared to talk to T now.

* My anger / withdrawal / shutdown cycle is now about 2 weeks instead of 4+ weeks.

* I asked my T for a hug. We don't touch skin, but I can hug her. I don't feel anything - but I have allowed her into my personal space.

And when I asked my T what her highlight was - her number 1.... was when I asked for a hug. She said it made her year because it showed her so much progress with me and that I was willing to trust her so much.

It has been a huge F*((* ing year for me. When i think back to last christmas - OMG - the stuff I have gone through this year - it feels like 10 years worth of stuff.

What a great question and topic!! I've been thinking about this and I think the biggest accomplishments for me have actually come over the last month or so. I feel like I've been more vulnerable lately and have been talking about/sharing my shame with my T. That's big for me. I think I've been allowing myself to be a little dependent on her too. Now, if only I could cry (I've been in therapy for 2.5 seems so silly that I can't cry in front of her yet/ever?).

Wow, Pingu and Somedays....what great accomplishments you have! That's really amazing in just one year. Your Ts must be so proud of you all.
From this time last year when I was effectivly dead inside; T has given me the tools to help get my life started again. She will forever be the most important and remarkable person I shall ever meet.I am starting to live again.

She has shown me that I am a worthy person, a loveable person, worthy even of her love. I have learnt that it's okay to show my love for her, that I can hug her and tell her I love her.

I've learned that my upbringing was far from normal or okay, as i had always thought; that I was emotionally abandoned and shown no love by my parents. That I have been repeating behaviours of looking for emotional security from unavailable people based on that childhood experience.

With T's help I am developing that degree of self confidence and self worth that I never had before.

I've discovered a side of me that wasn't always apparent before; a compassionate protective side to my nature.

Through T's insistence that technology has a part to play in life today, meeting so many lovely people on here and making so many dear and special friends, and learning so much in the process.

Is there anything I would have done differently? No; I don't think so. That day back in January when I picked my T from a list, someone was watching over me and helped make the right choice. My real life effectivly started that day.
Yea Smiler pingsy I am so proud of what you accomplished and for writing it down here too for us to see Hug two

AV, nigeldaniel, erica and SD too, how heartening to see what friends here are achieving in sessions. I know I have done so much in my last year, but if one things sticks in my mind it's actually believing T when she says 'I'm not going anywhere'.

Wow good for you all you guys who have been able to not only achieve so much, but can list your accomplishments and feel good about it. Well done everyone!

Just to be a misery guts, I racked my brains to think of something I could write on my own list, and have to admit that I came up with zero Frowner. This year feels like a total failure on just about every count and if there was some achievement in it, my memory banks have refused to register it.

I guess I have a problem too with not being able to think, let alone write, anything positive about me or what I've done, which is why I think it's great that others can. The kind of thinking that says, if you can do it, then maybe one day so can I...

Great thread! I hope to read more of other people's accomplishments Smiler

Last edited by lamplighter
Aww LL, sorry you feel you has nothing to list but can we be brave and suggest that what you contribute to this space is something. We Pingus have not yet learnt what proud is meaning, so t is always telling us she will look after proud til we can know and feel it.
one way we is thinking of this after reading the posts, is that one of our accomplishments things is that we all come to this space in our various ways and we all particpate too in this community. So we pingus think everyone here including you LL, dfly, starryfishy, erica, av, SD has achieved this year otherwise we would not be here, posting, caring and reading this forum
Pings x
(((LL))) I hope you have better feelings about 2013. Although I agree with Pingu in feeling that what you contribute here has a lot of value and I don't doubt there's been something good about your 2012 as well, even if it doesn't seem that way now. (Hope you don't mind me saying this. . . don't mean it in a condescending way, it's just hard for me not to believe that you are awesome! Smiler )

This is a cool end of the year thread, p. Cool

Some highlights from 2012--
-overcame my driving phobias to a large extent. I now get around town and even outside of it fairly comfortably. Still have room for improvement in this area, but I've come a long way.

-had a baby! Also had an "all natural childbirth". Lol, I know not everyone is into that but having the experience meant a lot to me for some reason.

-discovered a couple new authors that have become favorites.

-found and become part of a new church

-took my kids to visit my grandmother's grave and leave flowers. also had a memorial session with T on the tenth anniversary of her death. This felt very healing as I've had a lot of bottled up grief and guilt about her passing for some time now.

Other good things have happened too, but these are the highlights that spring immediately to mind. Now that baby I mentioned earlier has woken from his nap so must go fetch him. Smiler
Last edited by heldincompassion
You have all done so many good things in your therapy this year.

LL... may I add that you found a new T and have continued to push forward with learning new things in therapy, and continue to strive to live more fully. That is a LOT more than many people can say! Also, (selfishly) I am so happy that you are back here writing and sharing with us.

Pingu... it's lovely to see you sharing on this thread with us and to learn a bit more about you. I'm happy you have such a good T.

Poppet... this is a great thread to start. Will we be hearing more from you about what you have done this year? I am beyond happy to see you here again. Hugs to you.

SD... you have done amazingly well this year. You have learned to move closer to T, to ask for what you need, and importantly... to learn that when someone we care about screws up (because they are human) that it does not mean the end of the relationship and you can work things out. You have shown a lot of courage this year.

erica... you will cry when the time is right for you. you have taken important first steps.

AV... it seems you have learned so much this year and also risked a lot with the great rewards of your T responding in such a nurturing and caring way. So glad your T thought of the technology side of healing and you joined with us here.

As most of you know I wrote my T a letter for Christmas and I reviewed our year within it. And so I can say that some of my accomplishments are that I overcame my hatred of his new chairs and now I can tolerate them. At least they dont' terrify me as much as they used to. I just try to ignore them.

I also have settled down about having T's wife in the next office. (We had a VERY serious disruption over this and I felt I was at the edge of termination although T says that never would have happened) It helps that she is rarely there but what was the most important is that my T told me he would protect me and he has lived up to that. In the past year I have NEVER run into her and I truly believe that my T is responsible for this although he could not specifically tell me what he has done to insure this.

I graduated with my BS in Pyschology with a perfect 4.0 in April (after being out of school for over 25 years) and was able to have a celebration with T in his office with cookies and sparkling cider. That is truly memorable for me.

I accomplished a vaction that was scary to me... the flight, the airport security and seeing an old attachment figure and attending his wedding. My T was there for me each step of the way and I managed better than I thought because I was able to open up to T and tell him my fears surrounding this situation.

Work has been beyond a nightmare for me over the past 3 months. T and I have worked really hard on this challenging situation and through this we have become closer and I have realized how much he means to me and that I truly love him. HOw could I not? And so...

I wrote all of this in a letter to T and gave it to him for a Christmas gift. Telling him in the letter that I have come to love him. THAT was my hugest accomplishment for the year... being able to tell him this and to risk that he would leave me as others in my past have done when they learned how I felt about them.

It's been a busy year for me in therapy and this was possible because of the work of the previous year in dealing with the abandonment of oldT which caused me a full blown case of PTSD leaving me unable to function because of extreme anxiety and depression for a long time. I am fortunate that I, too, picked the right and perfect T for me.

Last edited by True North
You guys are all so amazing!!! I feel like I've kind of missed out on seeing the growth, because I've been away so much. I guess I have a few things that feel less like accomplishments and more like movements toward a new way of being...

I know me better and am able to accept myself as someone worth knowing enough that I am starting to be more open with safe people in my life.

Also, despite all the huge changes coming my way with housing, insurance, etc., I'm not wrapped up in anxiety, or catastrophizing things (very much) out of lack of control. I am able to acknowledge some things are out of my control and know that whatever comes, it will be worked through in its own time and way and with the help of those who care enough to be there for me.

Also, just Friday, I was able to receive a comforting hug without panicking and pushing away the feelings of comfort, dissociating into numbness, or switching away completely to another part to avoid it. Outside of H, I don't think I have let anyone really comfort me. My observing part showed me as a leaky boat and the leak is actually good feelings from being comforted and supported...and I feel like they will drown me to death, so I have always furiously bailed them out like with a bucket to escape the pain and shame of receiving care. So, I tried to stop bailing them the other day and I had a moment of...just knowing the other parts who desperately want and need those things were me. Like, for a few seconds, I accepted them. So, for 2013, I hope to be able to sustain that longer and longer, make room for us to be together, or at least be able to stay around when they emerge with those needs. Smiler Scary stuff!
What a wonderful topic to read. It really has been wonderful in the last year to watch everyone on the forum grow so much...even those of you who can't yet identify exactly how you have grown. I think a lot about how hard it would have been to do therapy without having this forum for support, and how much we spur each other on to keep on and to try new things.

This time last year, I was still seeing oldT! I feel like I'm a different person that I was back then. So many things have changed for me, so fast, I'm at a loss to list or explain them all! But I think I got at that some in my recent post so I won't reiterate it here. I just want to congratulate everyone on their gains and wish everyone even more in the coming year!
Yeah Starfishy, you just reminded me of something really amazing and significant.

I too, think I nearly believe that my T isn't going anywhwere. Those 5000 times she has told me that she is sticking with me no matter what - are finally sinking in. She says that even when I tell her to F off, she will still be there for me.

That is pretty awesome.
Sorry People - have just got home from a full day at work on Xmas eve and am stuffed!! However, have quickly read through this thread and just need to tell you all you're an amazing group of people who have done brilliantly (you too LL) and grown and shared so much of yourselves!

You're all a pleasure to know, even though it's limited by distance and has its own boundaries!

Aawwwe...good work everyone

LL - You have provided me with support, care, and a few much needed laughts in 2012 so you just add that to your list ok?

Breaking up with T in 2012 is and forever will be the hardest thing I have ever done. I consider it an accomplishment b/c I still know (amongst all my aching and sadness and sometimes doubt) that it was the right thing to do. It was the best thing for me and I believe that the fact that I could see that and muster up the courage to do it is probably the biggest accomplishment I have ever made. Hoping in 2013 to find a new T that cares for me like old T, but that I can work more productively with. If any of them ever call me back Roll Eyes
It has been really good to read people's contributions here, and to notice how strongly I feel other people should feel pride in their accomplishments, even when they don't see it themselves. It reminded that often we have little compassion for ourselves and perhaps noticing that and trying to practice a little self-compassion has been one of my achievements this year.
And when I really think about it, I can see all sorts of things that I would never have done a year ago - I started posting on here, for example.
I have also managed to ask for what I need from my T - longer sessions, extra sessions, phone calls, blankets (and I do have to credit finding a little courage to do those things from reading on here!).
Something that certainly didn't feel like an achievement at the time but is starting to look like one now, is showing colleagues and friends how I feel occasionally. I respect other people who are honest and share with me...
Thank you for prompting me to reflect on my year in therapy and I hope everyone is able to see the courage and perseverance they demonstrate simply by showing up.
Smiler Iris xx
From a Christian Perspective!

Standing in Reality

I'm realizing just how far from the fog I really am! I realize also that there are times that I want to run back the its protective barrier where I can hide from what is real in front of me and yet I wonder why? I know I am strong, I know that the Lord Himself is my shield and my great reward but the fog is a familiar place for me. Reality for me is foreign it is as if I want to touch everything and everyone..those things/people I have placed at a distance in my mind are actually really close to me. The idea of touch therapy intrigues me for opportunities such as this where one can touch someone and recognize just how close they really are to reality. Staying present in the here and now allows us to experience God at work in our lives where in the fog it was difficult to recognize his presence and activity in our lives. There is truth in feeling the fullness of the present reality, body, mind, spirit and soul. It is a beautiful place to land and walk in. I'm reminded of when Abram gave Lot the first choice of land and the Lord met Abram after Lot departed from him.

14 The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring[a] forever. 16 I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. 17 Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” Genesis 13:14-17

Nancy come out of the fog, see what is available to you, walk the length and breadth of all that I am giving to you and experience the newness of my reality for you! An invitation I am choosing to accept

Tears of gratitude for the love of God enfolding me! How do I honor him in this place?

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

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