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A few sessions ago I was crying in session and I'd gone through what I'd considered more than my fair share of Kleenex and I said "I'm sorry, I'm not really using these efficiently". She laughed and said everyone has a way they do their Kleenex and that she does something similar to me. I like that my T and I can laugh even when I'm covered in tears.

So anyway....

After reading this (Kleenex in Psychotherapy) article which suggests these types of Kleenex use:

The Gap: Grab, fold, dab, unfold, refold, repeat.
Marsupial: One tissue per tear, each rolled in a little ball, delivered en masse to the trash in a two-handed pouch.
Peek-a-Boo: Tissue held by the corners at eyebrow level, concealing a tearful face.
Lone Ranger: A single tissue truly tested to the limits of absorption and resiliency.
B.Y.O.K.: A full Kleenex box sits next to the client, but when tears come she pulls a travel pack from her purse.
Commando: Kleenex be damned. I'm letting these tears stream down unencumbered by absorbent paper.
W.W.K.D.? One well-folded Kleenex, held in a fist with just the top popping out for a quick eye dab. Held with the reverence some reserve for rosary beads.

I'm a 'the Gap' (with a little WWKD flair) Keelex user - I also take the last Kleenex I use with me when I go (I didn't notice this until I get home and have Kleenex balls in there (if I blow my nose though I immediately throw it out)). Sometimes I also do a commando Smiler

The article doesn't say "what it means" to use Kleenex in one way or another, because it's individual to everyone but I guess some T's do notice (I mean it's hard not to when they are just sitting there looking at you). What style are you?
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I remember reading this article, and I couldn't relate to it because I hadn't cried in therapy yet! But now that I have.. Wink I am a little more like a WWKD. But I really only get a tissue once my nose is runny. If I'm crying, I don't want to move too much unless I absolutely have to (crying feels so raw to me that moving in any way feels almost too revealing), so that's probably why I wait so long to get a tissue.

And I'm a lot like you, Catalyst. When T gets up to go over to her desk to schedule my next session, I'll typically toss my tissues in the trash then, but I've had plenty of times when I bring my tissues out with me!
I cry almost every session and I think I'm the only client who does. Once when I got in the office there were two boxes: one full and one nearly empty. I asked T if he had something to tell me and he expected a lot of tears. Instead I didn't cry much at all and didn't finish the box. When I came for the next session there were still the same two boxes. It looked like they hadn't been moved.

I often go Commando but sometimes Lone Ranger. I have never thrown out my Kleenex in T's office. I think it would be too depressing for his next client to see all the used Kleenex. Instead I stuff them in my pockets, pants or jacket, and the side of my purse. Sometimes I have to empty several spots when I get home.

I've also done a version of BYOK in the winter when I was wearing a fleece scarf a lot and I used to wipe my tears with it. I cried so much one session I soaked one end of the scarf and had to start working on the other end. Eventually T reminded that I could use the Kleenex beside me.
I am a Lone Ranger and The Gap. I keep the tissue in my hand in a ball - no matter how well used it is and I find it in my bag days later and remember where it is from.

I so hate the thought of black eyeliner being smudged all over my face like panda eyes. Worst thing about crying.

This week my nose kept running and i had to keep dabbing at it.

NO idea if T cries or tears up - I never look at her.

I am getting a little bit better at crying.

When i was young - I would be hit if I cried - so for me crying is dangerous and has bad stuff associated with it. I am sure that T is 'proud' of me each time I tear up.

Thanks for the responses, ladies! It's interesting to see!!

I do think they need a 'The Sahara' (desert) category for non-criers. I was a non-cry for... at least 18+ months and the rare well ups would be instantly reabsorbed before they made it past my eye Smiler

I cry differently at home than in therapy - when i'm at home I use my sleeve or hands, perhaps my cat Wink to wipe away my tears. I've lived in the same apartment for 2 years and have the same box of kleenex going since I moved in (and most of the kleenex have been used as emergency reserve bathroom tissue, as napkins, or for nose blowing).
Ack! Am I right in understanding that most of you guys are able to shed tears WITHOUT an accompanying runny nose? I must be built the wrong way or something, the moment tears come to my eyes my nose goes out in sympathy.

The few times I have cried in therapy (and then only a few tears that I couldn't keep from brimming over) I've HAD to grab a tissue because of the damn nose (and had to try VERY QUIETLY to blow my nose without honking the place down or sitting there feeling embarrassed about the nose refusing to dry up on demand). And then I sit there with this slightly soggy bit of paper kneading it and kneading it into a perfect little bowl shaped ball without even realizing it, and yeah like others here, end up taking it out with me. Once in a while I've MADE msyelf put it in T's wastepaper basket but for some reason I do have to make an effort to do that.

Lol I'm not sure what category I come under then.

Good thread Cat, thanks Smiler.


p.s. What about 'the Breadmaker'?

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