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So, yesterday, I texted T something really embarrassing that a little part wanted communicated. Still a bit uncomfortable talking in this way, but it works for me and therapy is going much better since I have been identifying all the not-me statements inside openly with my T. It got me thinking...what is everyone's most embarrassing therapy moment? My intention is cute/sweet stuff, not for anyone to have to bare their utterly humiliating experiences to the world (though you're welcome to if you like). Wink

So, I told my T, after mentioning how blessed I was to be "in his care": [Little Yaku] can't wait for our session, like she can't sleep all night, because she knows we're leaving for Disneyland the next morning. It doesn't matter to her that it's a long drive and she only gets to stay a few days, because she's just so excited! Her bag is packed and she's laying in bed, checking the clock over and over (image she gave me). I guess she means you're her "happiest place on earth."

For clarification, Little Yaku is my OF name for a four/five-year-old part whose name is based on my real name, but T knows the name and we have been talking about her for at least a few weeks now. Anyway, I imagine he probably smiled about that information (or I hope so).

...and now sharing this information is my most embarrassing forum moment, because I'm still projecting everyone thinks I'm ridiculous. Roll Eyes But, I'm in a vulnerable mood.
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aw, that's so sweet, yaku.

Mine with T1 is when I texted her, "I almost miss you" and she texted back, "I almost miss you too!" It isn't embarrassing now because she texted back that she missed me, but at the time after I sent that text I was embarrassed until she wrote back.

With T2 my most embarrassing moment is when she did an impersonation of me and totally nailed it. It was sooo embarrassing watching her wave her arms around and say, "What the eff man? this is effing bullshit. Stupid effing therapist doesn't know shit". She sounded just like me.
This is an *almost* moment, as it hasn't happened... yet!

My T only has one wastebasket in her office, and it's near her desk. Often, she has her bag sitting next to the wastebasket. I'm always afraid that when I throw away the wad of tissues I've used, that it will land in her bag Eeker

Hasn't happened yet, and hopefully never will!
Lol you guys are funny. I like the purse verses wastebasket. I bet you'd not be the only one RTG
lol LG! I can just imagine. It sounds like you talk like I do.
I had 3 most embarrassing moments. All three included my dog. The first was my dog scooted her butt across the rug and left a mark. OMG I thought I was going to die. My T said it was okay and that she'd clean it up. (that was an old T) Onward with my new T. So my dog lays on my new Ts feet while we talk. Turns out one day she had HORRENDOUS gas. I mean I started smelling it and I thought "Geeze" so my T very politely said I think she has gas. Lol Then shortly after that My dog preceded to vomit right in front of her. I haven't brought my dog back since. Yeah those were bad moments.
Well, as on the Say Anything thread... be careful what you write!

Today, I actually DID throw my tissue wad into the garbage can, and missed... you can guess where it landed Eeker I was so embarrassed, but I don't think my T even caught it. Yikes!

L2F - I can not imagine your dog stories - I would be mortified!

DF - I am always afraid I'll accidentally bump into my T when I leave her office, she used to open the door for me and stand to the side, but lately she hasn't done that, I know one of these days it will be that awkward moment!

Frosty - wow. That's all I can say about the smile on the street experiment - I'd have been terrified!

Debbie - I totally hear you on the compliment piece. Today my T said I did a good job of bringing something up to her right away, and all I could say was "ok." She knows how embarrassed I am with compliments.
OMG, the dog poop wiping his but thing...that is hilarious!

I had a T once who asked me if I could wear less perfume. I was a little embarrassed at the time, but even more embarrassed a year later when I asked for a copy of my therapy notes and saw that she had written, "Talk to her about her excessive use of perfume next week". I was so embarrassed!
I'm always careful to check my nose before I go to session. Don't want anything hanging out, if you know what I mean. It's happened twice lately, though, that after I go in, it starts to feel like somethings there and obvious. So, I start batting at it. I keep hoping T will turn his head so I can really check to see if anything is there but he never does. I think he notices that I keep batting at my nose.

When I get outside and into my car, I realized that it's a hair that I missed somehow and is curling around the edge of my nose. Eeker Not a dark one, thank God. I don't think T would have seen it but it was still mortifying. I'm turning into my father, who grew hair everywhere except on his head.
Actually this is kind of the reverse of everybody else's story this is something my T did that was embaraasing for her... It was the first time she had ever texted me which I thought was funny... The text conversation went like this...

"Hi Navy, it's T, Just wanted to see if you were okay? our appointment was at 6 o'clock are you a stuck in traffic?"

Me : " Ummm... We didn't have an appointment tonight?"

T: "really?"

Me: " Yep I haven't heard from you since the 25th, And we didn't make an appointment..."

T: "Weird I could have sworn I sent you an email offering the slot and you accepted... Maybe I dreamed that... Do you want to come on Saturday?"

Me: " haha, Saturday sounds perfect."
I have 3 :P

So one of em happened last year. I was walking out of my session and was talking to T as I was headed for the door and when I was done saying bye, I turned and totally ran into the wall and hit my forehead. Of course T got a kick out of that and so did I but yeah, so embarrassing. I'm pretty clumsy so I've tripped over my flip flops and had my shoe get caught on her carpet many times (that like happens on a daily basis for me lol) but running into a wall that I hadn't noticed for about 6 months at that time was definitely one of my proudest moments. :P

About a month ago T was imitating me and showing me how I used to be when I first started out with her; leaning forward with my chest almost to my knees and wrapping my arms around my waist with shaky legs...I was so mortified! I could not believe I actually looked like that! I made her stop it was so embarrassing! It was really funny to see how accurately she portrayed that but once again so embarrassing. I remember saying, "Oh my God! No I didn't sit like that! Did I? You're lying! Stop! No!" :P

Then a few weeks ago I had emailed T to ask her to call me about something.
Hey G, could you call me between tip his time and this time? Sorry I'm limited, I have ass and work in the afternoon.
Then when I was deleting my emails for the day, I went back and saw what autocorrect had done to me since I have my email set up on my phone and I wrote back right away telling her I meant CLass and not ass :P. she thought it was hilarious the next time I saw her in person. Thank goodness I can laugh at myself...
I cried the next session after my T told me she was getting rid of the stuffed animal box in her office (I bring my own stuffed bear so I don't use hers). I was worried she was just going to throw them in the trash and how awful and I pulled one out to give it some love before it went to the island of misfit toys. My T kind of have me a tiny shocked look and said "I would never do that! Of course I'm going to make sure they go to some place loved, I'm even keeping some myself because I have memories of when I got them or where." I was relieved and really embarassed for crying, my T said it was sweet though then of course ruined the moment by relating it to myself... Taking care of inner child with same compassion blah blah blah.

I'm really reverent with "stuff". I don't hoard but I try to donate over throwing away whenever possible. I swear I am 5 on the inside - I tell this to everyone... I am needlessly sensitive!
Not a therapy embarrasment, but Cat reminded me of it. My therapy wolves ended up with Boo, because my SIL thought they were hers and put them in her toybox. Boo kept offering me to have one back and she could keep the other (she likes one better). Not only did I find her favoritism slightly distressing, but I told her she could keep both, because they are brothers and like to stay together. My stuffed wolves apparently also have abandonment anxiety or attachment issues.

Also, when Boo's $3 ball rolled in front of the heater and deflated, I cried all during her nap imagining how sad she would be that her favorite ball was gone. She was 2. She didn't notice.

When we had to throw out the halloween pumpkin she decorated, I had similar anxiety.

It's actually kind of ridiculous, but I guess I must have attached to things much more than people with so much chaos and inconsistency.

So, Cat, it would be very distressing to me if I found out my T was getting rid of a box of stuffed animals too!!!
My most embarrassing moment was walking in on my T when she was on the toilet!!!!
She hadn't locked the door and I walked straight in on her! SOOO awkward!
I walked straight back out, totally mortified. She apologised profusely and said
I hadn't done anything wrong but I was still embarrassed the following week!
Actually I'm still embarrassed writing this but maybe it's kinda funny??!!
We had a conversation about how the layout of the clinic is like the layout of her
home and how she doesn't always lock the door at home. I have kids and am used
to not even having privacy in the toilet so I said something about me not
locking the door since having kids and she agreed she also stopped locking the
door after having kids...I now make sure I knock before I go to the toilet and open the door veeeerrrryyyy slowly lol.
Yeah-I reckon she should have been more embarrassed than me, but I felt like I'd invaded her privacy!
OK, well aside from the time I suddenly hugged my T and she wasn't expecting it and it was really most embarrassing moment happened with my former T. As I was leaving and hugging her, I was telling her how I used to not be able to hug her because it caused me to loose coordination and I was afraid of running into things. Then just at that moment, I took a step back and almost fell over her ottoman. This caused me to laugh hysterically and awkwardly high five her, just to congratulate myself for being completely ridiculous...
Hahahahahaha BLT I totally remember you mentioning that in the other funny moments thread!

So this is one that's embarrassing on my Ts part Razzer (finally muahahahahaha)

Ts always writes my appts down on her business cards and about 2 weeks ago while I was looking for it to write it down in my planner (if its not in my planner I will more than likely forget) I noticed they totally got her last name wrong...nothing too major just an unnecessary letter in the end that made her last name plural. I took a picture of it and emailed her saying what the heck was up with that lol. Then she emailed back saying that she hadn't noticed that and now it was gonna bug her ha! Next time I saw her instead of calling her by name I called her by her newly plural last name and ragged on her for taking so long to notice the typo...Wink we poke fun at each other a lot lol.
So I just remembered this one and it was quite embarrassing for me to admit to T last year lol.

Last Thanksgiving I went to my sisters place which is only 3 hours away from my college to spend with her and my brother n law since I couldn't go home. I ended up getting really wild that week and drank pretty much, if not, that entire week. I lived in the dorms at that time and my friend who was an RA (resident advisor) for the dorm that I lived in gave me a ride to my sisters since she lived n the same area so when she picked me up the night before we had to be back in school, I was totally wasted from drinking mimosas literally all day. I was drunk the entire ride home which caused for a memorable road trip but not one of my proudest moments since I kinda put my friend in a sticky position with her job and not mention my drunkenness to the RD (resident director). Well, needles to say, the next day at school was not a pretty one for me, for being almost entirely drunk the whole week. After being half drunk half hung over in my morning classes and chapel (go figure, don't worry I repented) I was ready to knock out for the rest of the day. As I was walking back to my dorm with my head down and trying not to look up cos the sunlight was so darn bright, I stopped and gasped when I saw T was right in front of me! I was absolutely terrified! Her back was to me though and she was headed back to her office at the counseling center which was right next to my dorm. I'm surprised she didn't look back but when I saw her since it was a really loud gasp, but I tiptoed backwards as much as I could and waited until she was Inside her building to head back to my room.

The next semester, I finally got the courage to tell her what happened. She was a bit surprised, but was able to make me feel more at ease and laugh about it since it was actually kinda comical in a weird way lol. But yeah totally embarrassing and I don't know what possessed me to even tell her at that point but I did and now it's just a funny story to laugh about.

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