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So for those that would like to share w/ everyone, what does your screen name mean to you or how did it come about? I know the whole point of a screen name is to protect your privacy so if you'd like to keep it to yourself I'm sure all will understand.

PS Duh my own! Mudd. I'm an artist & guess what medium I work in. Always loved making those mud pies when I was a kid. Now people have to spend money to actually get one of mine. Lol still makes me laugh that people wanto buy this stuff. Lol. Ok my stomach hurts nowWink
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I guess mine's pretty self explanatory really! "Avoidant" - minimising or avoiding social interaction with others. It was totally that way 12 months ago, although choosing that name to come on this forum with the aim of interacting with more people was a bit illogical I suppose Big Grin
Maybe it's time to think of changing it..........
When I joined the forum I was reading "The Wise Heart: Understanding the Principles of Buddhist Pyschology" by Jack Kornfield. He wrote a lot about compassion. I don't remember it all very well now, but basically he suggested that as a way of relating to feelings and to pain-- your own pain and that of others, the pain of the world-- you don't so much "do" anything with it as honor it, acknowledge it, "hold it in compassion."

Anyway, I liked the concept so hence the name. I've thought of changing it a few times because it can sound kind of passive, or as though maybe I meant it in reference to my therapy relationship (I don't). I'm a little tired of it really, but I haven't thought of a better name yet. It's also a bit ironic, because I'm really not very good at having compassion for myself! So maybe it's more indicative of a goal than a state I experience much.

Anyway, this is a cool thread. I've loved reading about the stories behind the names, from those of you who have shared.
i have been told that i'm difficult to get close to. when i joined the forum it was early in my therapy and T made reference to somebody we were talking about, how it sounded like i was "damaged" (ugh) in the same way as this individual. later, we were talking about one of my daughters, who's been having difficulties. T said i could say to my daughter "do you want to grow up with closed doors, like me ...". it seemed appropriate at the time, like alot of others. i wasn't crazy about it as of late, but then came across the quote about close doors and thought it rather appropriate and hopeful, which i am in dire need of. so, i'm sticking with it for now.
My name Somedays is named after a song by The Waifs. Here are the lyrics. The song always speaks to me.

Some days are just like this,
Some days I can’t get my arse out of bed

Some days they just drag on and on.
And one day One day can feel like a whole lifetime

Some days I feel god himself is smiling down upon me
Some days I swear too that the devil has got my soul

Some days I fall to that darkness and some days I crawl from that hole

Some days, I just want to ditch my responsibilities
And leave behind dirty dishes, dirty floors

I got a man and I got family who love me well
Some days I kind of ask what the hell is all for

Some days I just want to walk into the wilderness
The solitude well it puts my mind at ease

I figure god is out there somewhere
Some day I need something to believe

Some days I am leaning on my 12 step program, meetings, testimony get me through

Most days I got a drink in my hand
Cos most days I can’t stop thinking about you

Some days are like this
Dragging my feet on the ground
Some days they feel like lost time

These are the days I wish you were still around

I wish you were still around.

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