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I feel like I opened a can of worms with T tonight. It's probably silly really. I get very insecure talking about my feelings as they all seem so jumbled lately. I struggle to find the words, mumble incoherently, and shut down when I'd really rather talk about them.

The thing is, I keep feeling like I need a catalyst. I feel like I need something from her to help push me forward and get me talking. There's just something about her sitting there waiting. She's waiting for me to perform. Waiting for me to begin. And it's hard because I start to feel so very nervous. I know I need to start digging in more and letting go.

I just feel so silly after this last session. I opened up just a teeny tiny bit and only at the very literal last minute of the session. I told her I didn't try to but that I love her. She already knew that from reading some of my posts I shared with her, but I have trouble verbally expressing myself and I always feel like there's no way I can deny it if I say it. At least the written words I can pretend not knowing where on earth they came from.

But during the session I got very emotional and weepy. Afterward, I was weepy all night. I was walking around the store later randomly crying. Crying at home and in the car. I think my emotions are all running amuck and this is actually not a good place to be in right now. I'm not normally weepy. And I can't pin down why I am. It was nothing she did. But talking about my feelings gets me into a weird zone and I don't know how to deal with them so I try to keep them suppressed. And I didn't do a good job suppressing them and now I've peeled back the top to that can of worms...

When we were talking about my love for her, she said something about my loving people in general. I'm having a hard time remembering details but I remember thinking that how I love her differently from others because my perceptions of her are all off. And worrying that my love is somehow "fake" and yet still causing me so much weepiness. Sadly, even though I KNOW my perception are all off, she is like harmony to me.

The more I think about this maternal transference the more it troubles me. I want real, regular feelings. Not ones that were supposed to be for my birth mom but are now displaced. I wanna love T cause she's a nice person and a good T. Not because I wish she were my mommy. That's what hurts. It's a love that isn't even a regular love and then one that can't be reciprocated ever because she can't ever be my mom.

GAH! What am I doing to myself....

Damned worms and their pesky cans....
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Forlorn, I'm sharing in your pain too. I hate that raw, unfinished, exposed feeling I get when I open up late in the session. I've done that so many times, too. I can't just prance into the room and immediately shoot off sensitive or intimate dialogue. Sometimes it takes me 50 minutes to feel safe and calm enough to get to that point, IF I get there at all. But then the session is wrapping up and it's just all hanging out there in the air, unresolved. Somehow then we're supposed to shake it off in order to function throughout the rest of the day/week. When it is too much to feel, I just flee into zombie land and "it never happened" mode.

Yesterday I did better though. I have to say that you were my inspiration. I went to session armed with your post in My T Wish List: Things I want & wish I could ask my T for. There were several items on your list that would have been on mine too, if I had been brave enough to share it. So I decided I would talk about the subject with my T, indirectly, by reading your list to her Cool and saying there were some things on the list which I identified with in wanting from her. It was a good chat, Forlorn, not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. She didn't make me feel silly, she made it seem normal, logical, expected, and OK that I would have all the maternal attachment stuff going on. I probably need to talk about it with her again when I am bold enough to own ALL my own wants specifically. But I did admit to her two things: (1) that I wanted more than you did when it comes to a T admitting love, that I absolutely DID want her to love me like a daughter. Big Grin She just chuckled because we've talking about that before. (2) I also admitted I have imagined curling up next to her for story time. Although "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" is not my favorite story, I do share that same fantasy with you. Smiler

My T didn't comment on every single item on the list, but she did point out a few things she felt she could give me (which helped with the pain of knowing there were things she couldn't give). She said if I wanted I could book a 2-hour session in the future. Also she said she would be willing to sit next to me on the couch if I asked. I wasn't expecting either of those, so what a BONUS for being brave enough to talk about "your" wish list! Wink

So sorry for your pain, but I write this not only to Thank You, but also hopefully to encourage you to share your list too (maybe no later than halfway into the session Eeker). Sometime in the future, when you feel safe enough to risk more.
Forlorn, you’re totally not alone in only wanting to open up in the last minute of a session. It happens to me all the time. It sucks to be left with all these feelings just hanging around.

Mad Hatters first paragraph is exactly how I feel. I actually use the word “raw” a lot with my T when describing how I’m feeling at the end of a session. He has offered me an extended session, and he even said one time that he could attempt to try and end the session on a lighter note as to not leave me so “raw”. It’s so hard to be left with all these feelings and then have no one to talk about them to.

Are you regretting that you told her? Or just that you waited to the end of the session? Because you can always try to pick up that conversation again next session, even if it takes you half an hour to “get back into it”.
Originally posted by Mad Hatter:
So I decided I would talk about the subject with my T, indirectly, by reading your list to her Cool and saying there were some things on the list which I identified with in wanting from her. It was a good chat, Forlorn, not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. She didn't make me feel silly, she made it seem normal, logical, expected, and OK that I would have all the maternal attachment stuff going on.

Oh MH I'm so happy you had a good talk with your T. Wow, I'm honored you used my list. Big Grin And that was so good that there were things she was willing to give. It's nice when we think they will not do certain things to find out that they will. Kudos for sharing.

I know you'll share your list with her too someday. Especially knowing now that she won't make you feel bad about having wants.
Hi Draggers, Hi mlc,

Sorry you're in pain too. It's no place fun. (((((((Hugs)))))))

Originally posted by Maclove:
Are you regretting that you told her? Or just that you waited to the end of the session?

Hi MacLove

I'm regretting both. Although I know she knows about my love, it's hard for me to openly express it without feeling inadequate and foolish. And of course there's the constant worry of being rejected. Like I have this vision of me sitting on the couch and I say something she doesn't like, she pushes a button, the couch bottom sucks me in where I am sent through a tunnel and plopped out onto the street on my rear.

And I just hate that hour now. It feels way too short. I feel like all I'm doing is stealing glances at the clock and before I know it, the precious time is all gone and I STILL have days and days worth of stuff to talk about. I worry that we'll get to a point where I'm just rapidly spewing out my life events that happen between sessions and we don't talk about or analyze anything. I really hate that lousy hour. Wish I could have an ALL day session with T. Ha Probably run out of things to say OR would tell her my entire life story in one sitting. Ha! (hmm thoughts of an all day session gives me warm fuzzies Smiler )

I really like that suggestion. But your post has me wondering, how much is expected from Ts and what level would be considered going above and beyond?

I hear Ts say they meet the client where the client is. But since that is obviously a different place for each client, how would I know if I'm getting more effort put forth than other patients?

I think the open-ended question idea is good and I will share with my T.
Hi Forlorn,

thank you for your post. And i`m sorry for your pain. For what it is worth (i dont have much time)

I also struggeled and suffered with the burdening thougt "My love for my T is`nt REAL"- BUT: i dont agree with that. It is real. And acually it was my T that told me, after I had held a long, sad speach about this exact topic: "why do i feel all this for you, i know it is an illusion, blabla- " "no, your feelings are REAL" he told me, they are not fabricated - so to make a long story short: It really helped to understand, that my feelings are genuin. I im idealizing my T. But it is real.
And your love for your T is what it is. And yes, - they are shaped by your longings/love from your mother. Also. Not only defined by that. They are real.

And your T`s love and consern for you is as much formed by your T`s PERSONAL relations- and love you (counter-transeference)therfore in a personal way. Dont mix it up with being unprofessional.It very human. Very normal. It just the way we humans are created!
Somthing like that.. Lol- this is very strange that I write about- as if its "easy"- i find it VERY complicated, - but i am much calmer about all this, then I used to be. I hpoe you fin peace with this as wellSmiler
Oh Frog, your words were beautiful. Thank you!

Especially since this weekend I am weird again and don't even know how to express myself correctly even now.

But at last session, we talked again about transference and the difference from love. And I understand but am confused. Doesn't make sense. T said something about my not "knowing" her and that was different from other people I love cause I know them like facts and such.

I know this is different which is why it's so confusing but but but, I just don't agree to call it all transference or something.

I don't love T because of the fantasy I have of her in my mind. I don't assume we'd be the greatest friends in the outside world, go shopping and gardening and enjoying each others company. I don't love the idea of her as a result of those fantasies. And I don't have to KNOW facts about her in order to love. I LOVE HER cause I just do. But I don't think she understands that as I do. Coz maybe I don't understand it completely.

But I do know some reasons why I love her are:

  • Because she choose a career to help people like me. Where others would turn away from this, she CHOSE to craft her profession around helping people. I am naturally impressed by people who can do this. And even better when they do it well. Smiler

  • She does so in a non-clinical, not just staring at you, not only analyzing, nor in a writing EVERYTHING down way.

  • She is open and calm and soothing.

  • I love her because she knows how to speak softly to me. She is gentle and expresses kindness.

  • And she doesn't have to be this way. Being a therapist doesn't mean she only "acts" that way. Other Ts are so bitter-seeming, distant, non-touching, clinical, cold... I love that she is not.

  • I love that she has a caring regard for other creatures. Like that she doesn't kill bugs (Tho I totally squish the rotten pests) Razzer

  • I love that she got air-freshener in my favorite scent. Big Grin That she remembered that about me when she could've forgotten or just not cared.

  • I love her for letting be "explore" in therapy and use different methods (like puzzles) to help me explore myself.

    So even just knowing the therapist "side" of her is ENOUGH in my opinion to be able to have "real" love. It doesn't have to be ALL transference simply because I don't know "facts" about her. Or because I don't "know" her like I know my friends or that we're not friends. Sometimes I don't even Know my friends. And there are people I love without knowing the "real" them. And besides I do know some things about her. And with love it doesn't matter how much you know about a person, right? Cause truth be told, I'm pretty sure I loved her the first time we met even though I wouldn't have recognized it then or called it love. There was something and I still don't know or understand why. But when I was told by my ex-T that I couldn't see current T anymore(who I originally saw as a consult) I felt an overwhelming amount of grief from an unknown place. It shocked me that I was so shaken by her presence in my life, but even then I suspected it was important and I was right. (hopefully) Maybe it meant we were supposed to do this work together, and that we would succeed. (whatever success is supposed to look like after this)

    But thank you Frog. I too believe my longing for a mother shape the feelings for T, but it is the traits I see in her, as a therapist, that is mostly why I love her. Those traits I wished for in my mom and never got. And I know that's all part of the therapeutic relationship. But when many Ts are distant, un-touching, analyzing, and snarky, it is good to have one who I can love for her T qualities. Even if to her it is all an act and she doesn't believe she could be that way outside the office. And even if it could all one day end...

    Oh dear god, did I just write a whole LONG post on loving my T!?! Stinking worms got me again...
  • Dear Forlorn,

    I deeply feel for you, -this confusion can be so dreadful(?) and suck the best energy out of your (loving) heart.. Dont let it!

    I truly believe your Love for your T. I can tell. And I agree with you; It`s beyond (above?) the knowlidge and facts, info about your T etc.. Because in a way: You two have a bound and relation, wich intimacy is A LOT stronger then most partners and friends got.

    (I am sure you know all this, bear over with me for getting teacher-role on

    I can tell how much you love your T- No doubt she is a great T. She sounds (I imagine her warm and calm voice) as you describe her as warm (and not like others T's cold and distant- this tough i think is quite a myth.. I also thing of others T`s as cold and distant, yet MINE is such different and warm..Lol- Wink)
    I wonder if the other side of this coint- (your love for your T and confusion) this feelings says something important about You as well: You are mayby confused if you are loveable? (tell me if i am wrong) Yet you manage to love people, relate good to others (in this case your T) You have the strenght and currage to develope close and (vulnerable as it is) relations. (bear over with me again, if this is all ABC-to you)

    What comes to the language and tecnical terms ("transference") dont get "lost" in them. They`re just words.. As Donald Melztner said(a famous psychotherapist) "The Beuty of the process, and the uglyness of the Theory" Smiler
    I think this qote points out this issue. Melzner himself was a great human and psyhotherapist, and struggeled with the terms and the vokabulary and saw and felt(!) its limitations.

    This qote my T gave me, as i (like you) felt totally confused and sad trying to understand this "words" and answer the question; what is love in here, and what is "just" transference?" and cept going: "why are the psychotherapy-vocabulary so harsh? Is there enything REAL LEFT??" (Yeah.. I acually tok a Freud-book and smashed it in the wall once back then...! Razzer)
    Dont let me start going into the big language-word-and reality discussion.

    My humble advice and wish for you: Dont get lost in trying to DEFINE your Love. Just IDENTIFY IT.


    Have to go- running to see my T now, and struggle with all this myself. lol.
    Good luck to you Forlorn

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