"I think I know part of the reason why your lack of emotional reaction bothers me so badly. It reminds me of my dad- the way he used to just passively sit there and look at me when I would talk to him. I mean, I understand that where he was useless and tried to justify my mother’s actions, you are empathetic and neutral (VERY BIG DIFFERENCE). But when I’m emotional and you just sit there and look at me, it’s frustrating and reminiscent of my interactions with him. I think that’s why I threw that ball at you that one day (um… yeah… sorry about that) [FYI: YES, I THREW A BALL AT/TO MY T. IT WAS JUST A STRESS BALL AND IT WAS PLAYFULLY PREFACED BY "THINK FAST!"]. That’s what I used to do- throw stuff like socks and stuff- to him when I wanted him to do something, initiate some sort of interaction or pay attention to me. I know you are paying attention to me, but, because of the nature of things, you don’t ever initiate it. It kind of cheapens things, and makes me wonder even more what you REALLY think; like if you are just paying attention because I’m there and paying you to. For all I know, you could be thinking BLAH BLAH BLAH when I’m talking to you, wishing I would shut up and move on already. And I know that you would never take the initiative to seek me out if I just stopped coming or something, and that says to me that you can’t care if I can potentially be so easily dismissed. All of this is very frustrating for me. How can I trust you completely if I don’t even know if you care about me? Then I think, we’re already almost a year into this… should I still be wondering if you care about me or not? Shouldn’t I have figured it out by now? If we’re not even to that point yet, and there is SO much more s*** to work through, is this even worth continuing? But you and I both know that “not continuing” is not an option. You know the way my brain works; this will continue regardless of if I want it to or not (unless I die... hmmmmm....).
I feel like I am my own rock and my own hard place, and I am somehow still managing to be stuck in between them (as for you, you’re just standing there, looking back and forth at the rock, then the hard place, and saying, “yep, that sure is a rock and that sure is a hard place.”). When I started this, I didn’t realize how similar therapy and self-mutilation would feel. F*** razors, this is like a chainsaw."