AAh, googling, been there, done that, melted down, talked to T about it.
I totally get where you're coming from on the googling. I did tell my T, but I actually think it was the scariest thing I ever had to tell him (and I've said a lot of things to that man). He was really good about it, shockingly so. He told me "How could he NOT understand my need to know more about him?" The reason I finally told him was because his daughter-in-law actually maintains a blog in her daughter's name (My T's first grandchild, his oldest son's kid). She posts pictures. Then she linked to her Shutterfly account, so I got to see ALL of my T's vacation photos last year. When I told him about finding the blog and reading the whole thing although I felt like it was wrong, he told me that his son and daugter-in-law are aware that its on the web and people can see it. My favorite though was finding his wife on cruise website whose username was their last name (BTW, during the registration process they told you at least two times NOT to use your real name.) I really want to email his whole family and say "hey, he's a therapist, you want to be a little more careful with the info?"
I'm fairly web savvy and occasionally very obsessional so I know his home address, I've seen pictures of his house cause I've looked up his tax records. I know the names of everyone in the family and some of the extended family. Its scary how much is out there. But I've also found that it usually just makes it more difficult knowing.
For instance I found his wife on the cruise forum recently and in her profile she had "retired school teacher." I did already know she was a school teacher from my T. You know the first place I went. Great, she's retired, when is my T going? Now, I told my T about the googling around a year ago but since he was so mellow about it, I occasionally go out and google him but I also haven't mentioned since then that I've done any more of it. And I think I'm a little ashamed of myself for doing it. It really does feel kind of out of control.
So I totally get how you feel, but I really think your T would totally understand. I've eventually gotten most of the info from my T. He's not an open book, especially about his own emotions, but he doesn't really have a problem with you knowing stuff about him.
I posted awhile back when I told him about it and you can find that here.
Struggling with Boundaries in TherapyAG