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I really loved the lists about thiongs people are grateful in this thread - here

Right now, I'm struggling through a lot of grief and fear. It's pretty intense. My T suggested I write out a list of things that help me comfort myself and/or things I can ask for that help me feel comforted by others - and I'd love to know what helps others.

Here's what I have so far
- long baths
- listening to radio theater or books on tape to fall asleep (helps my mind not just spin like crazy)
- asking friends for hugs
- wrapping up in heavy blankets (harder in the summer but I still find so deeply comforting)
- cool glasses of lemonade
- warm or cold green or chamomile/mint tea with lots of cream and honey
- petting or playing with my silly cat
- doing something nice or kind for someone else (I dunno why this helps me feel comforted too but sometimes it helps a lot)
- *sometimes* a long run with good music or a gentle rythmic swim and getting my body in that relaxed and tired state (sometimes this can really take of fthe edge of fear - sometimes it can just be a little to escapist and i'll drive myself too hard - sometimes just excercise is just the last thing I want to do)
- finding funny jokes or videos or something to make me smile

any other ideas? what helps you feel comforted or "self-soothed"?
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  • Going for long walks alone in a natural setting (not the city).
  • Going out for coffee alone and reading the whole paper without interruption. (I have small kids, so this is an extra special treat when it happens.)
  • Telling funny stories to friends, or writing out a funny story to email.
  • Putting on music and dancing in the living room.

    • coffee with a good friend
      soothing music
      curling up with kitty
      looking at pictures from vacations (although this can make me cry too)
      doing crafts - knitting and puzzles calm me and focus my mind
      cleaning (ok, not the actual cleaning process, but having a clean home is comforting. Probably cause mine is always so messy Big Grin )
      new blanket or fresh from the dryer old blankey
      Swinging or playing on a playground when there are no kids around (I am a total big kid)

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