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The 'Intimate Discussions' private forum has been running for some time now, but I'm finding that I forget about it and tend not to read it as much as I would if it were more accessible.

I just wondered how other people here felt about asking Shrink Lady to make it more accessible - still member protected but maybe more visible so that it's easier to get into, and also so that new people who might want to post there know it exists and can join if they want to?

What do you guys think?

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Hi BlanketGirl - I haven't been around much since you started posting so just wanted to say hi and welcome (bit late I know, sorry).

That's the reason I've put this thread up - the Intimate Discussions forum is so hidden away that even those of us who knew about its being established find it hard to get into!

Basically it came about at a time when a few members wanted to post about sexual/intimate stuff and felt a bit too exposed posting on a totally open public forum, so Shrink Lady kindly set up a separate mini-forum type thing which could only be accessed by members of the Shrink Cafe forum, and who also had emailed Shrink Lady to be included (a bit like a password protected forum).

The trouble is it's hidden away in the middle of a normal thread which has gradually been pushed off the page so new members wouldn't even know it exists unless they actually read that thread. I'll try and do a link to the thread itself (but you won't be able to get into the Intimate Discussions forum).

I know everyone wanted it to be as private as possible, so I could be pushing it a bit here, but I just think it's such a good space that it would better if more people knew of it and had access to it.

Here's the link:

I’m fine with the thread being more accessible. I am worried though that with it being more accessible, people without the best interests might find their way on there- and that defeats the purpose of it being a safe place for us to post. I think newcomers should be allowed to use the area; I’m just still a little worried about newcomers because of the Kerry/provocative girl situation- sorry to bring that up. But I thought provocative girl was a good person till that whole thing happened. But I don’t know, I guess we’ll just have to try something and see if it works!

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