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Wow how can therapists be so different?

I finished with ex-T Monday last week (was it really only last week feels like bloody ages!) and managed to arrange appointments with three new Ts in that time. (They do things quick around here it seems!) Even saw one T twice last week, and the other two today.

Well cue misery depression hopelessness spinning round in dead end circles wondering what the hell is so wrong with me that I can’t seem to find a T who GETS IT. Why is it I come away feeling that I’ve talked and talked and talked and that nothing I’ve said seems to have made any sense, why is it the T talks and talks and talks and nothing s/he is saying makes any sense and I just go all fuzzy in the head hearing words and more words that don’t seem to mean anything? And that I leave feeling like therapists live in cloud cuckoo land, where they talk in riddles and don’t know how to answer a simple question with a straight answer?

That’s how I was feeling driving to the third and last appointment this afternoon. Wow wow and triple wow!

I couldn’t believe how this third T in just about every way fit to a ‘t’ lol what I have always expected of a therapist. I am now the very happy client of a new T with another appointment this Thursday and one next Monday and Thursday too. And no fuss, all straightforward, all sorted out with none of that teeth sucking head shaking solemn tippy toeing around me I’ve had with others.

I can’t quite believe how well it went, how she did everything right. She listened to me, really listened to me and heard me, and whatever she said, (and she talked a lot too) actually related directly to what I was saying, to ME, directly and personally. She actually asked questions, real interested questions (a first!) She was nice, warm, friendly, a real person and a therapist who came across as confident and open and easy in her role. She made me feel like a normal person and she never once hummed and hahhed about my questions - never once hummed and hahhed about knowing what she was doing and what she was saying.

She let me know it was not only ok but GOOD for me to challenge her, to criticize, to say what I’m feeling in the moment. She listened to me she heard me she was there 100% for me and with me. Oh bliss and joy!

I like her. I am so pleased, it’s going to work, I’m going to make it work and so will she, because I just know I can trust her to do her job so I don’t have to keep monitoring and stepping in and telling her what I need her to do. Finally, someone who knows what they are doing. Oh joy and bliss again Big Grin

Ok so I scraped myself off the ceiling to think more rationally about it, and could only come up with one negative. And that got sorted in the session anyway. What! only one negative, when I’m so used to coming away from sessions and first meetings and writing pages and pages of stuff that bothered me? Unbelievable!

Now I can go back to feeling shit again because that’s the point of my being in therapy in the first place, but now I know I have somewhere to take my pain and maybe just maybe be able to work through it.

Going to lift myself from this euphoria for a moment to say - to anyone looking for a new T or who is obscurely dissatisfied with their T - keep looking. I never dreamed I’d actually get that inner sense of YES this is the right person, not to this extent, but it’s happened so it really is worth keeping on searching. Double lol - of course it’s early days, I will just have to see how it goes - I expect the feet of clay will show themselves soon enough - but for now I am just so relieved.

And if you’ve gotten this far - a question. What was it about your T that let you know - YES this is the one, this person gets it, this person is right for me?

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Whooooo-hooooooo! This is terrific Lamplighter!!!

Big Grin Smiler Razzer Razzer Cool Big Grin Smiler Wink Cool Big Grin Smiler Razzer Cool

You sound just like I felt after my first appointment with my current T. "Oh joy and bliss again"? I LOVE IT!! I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I am for you!

As for how did I know my T was the right one for me - you pretty much said it all in your post. Actually I said a lot of it too, in this post:

Found the right T!

Just like you said - she really listened to me and heard me, we connected, she "got" what I was saying, she related it to me (and not necessarily her or some nebulous third person), she asked (and continues to ask) lots of relevant, direct, pertinent questions...she was nice, warm, friendly, a real person, confident and open and easy in her role...I felt so comfortable with her, there is an easiness about her, a centeredness, a sense that she is comfortable in her own skin, that is inviting and calming. She also has said and continues to remind me here and there that it is good for me to challenge her or criticize her, and she absolutely invites me to feel. And I also got the sense that she knows how to do her job, so I don't have to keep trying to be both T and patient...I can be the patient now and let her help me. It was truly wonderful to find someone who knew what she was doing.

(In fact, if you weren't in the UK...I would swear you might have found the same T I have!)

And so far, there have been no ruptures of any kind...I haven't seen the feet of clay yet...but then I don't have her on a pedestal, either...she is always very human so I can't imagine there being a huge letdown...I'm just really grateful for her.

Also, the way she has been with me over the last eight months has given MUCH clarity to what was not going right with my former T...not so much from talking about it with her directly, although I've done that too...but in observing how she is with me and comparing how he was with me. And just recently the anger and hurt from the termination has lessened quite significantly and I'm able to see what happened more objectively.

Thanks so much for celebrating this with us LL...and for spreading hope to others looking for new T' made my day euphoric, too! Big Grin Wink Big Grin

Lamplighter that is AWESOME!! I am SO glad that you both took the very difficult step of leaving your old T and persevered to find a new T who "fits." I'm looking forward to hearing about how it goes with her.

I loved your question about when did you know. I had been seeing my T for marital counseling and was definitely getting more comfortable with him. I was very impressed with how he worked and all his insight, but I remember so clearly when I thought "this is it!" I told him a lyric from a favorite Jars of Clay song "I have no fear of drowning, its the breathing that's taking all this work." I saw it hit him in the center of his chest and he threw back his head with a kind of "oh yes" gesture and that's when I KNEW he would be able to understand me. It had a lot to do with me being able to trust that I could tell him about my attraction to him which lead directly to working individually with him. Thanks for asking, I hadn't thought of that in a long time.

And did I mention it was really really good to hear this from you? Big Grin

Congratulations LL. This is great news and you must feel so relieved. She definitely sounds promising. Glad you had such an awesome session/interview with her. BTW, what is her modality? Is she psychodynamic or relational at all?

I originally found my T for my son who was having issues and then after about 6 weeks started seeing him individually. What first attracted me to him was his warm and calm voice on the phone. I just got this intuitive good feeling that he was a man I could depend on and then when I met him it was the hope that he gave me. I felt that things, which seemed out of control, would all work out okay and then he just seemed "safe". I don't trust easily but it was his calm, accepting and warm manner that made me feel like this was someone who I could tell anything and it would be okay. Not very scientific huh? Big Grin

Good luck and keep us posted on your next session.

I'm so happy for you, Lamplighter. Big Grin What wonderful news.

I'm still looking for that perfect T, but I'll let you know when I do find him/her.

The first time I met my ex-P, I thought, "Oh!... Oh.... Oh, no." Followed by, "My, what pretty blue eyes you have... And the way you scrunch up your nose when you smile is absolutely adorable." LOL. Yeah, I should have RUN right then. Roll Eyes
What was it about your T that let you know - YES this is the one, this person gets it, this person is right for me?

First- I want to give you my very best -Congratulations! Job well done!

As weird as this may sound- I had been seeing him for about 1 and 1/2 months, and he was donig everything wrong, but I had never gone to anyone before him so I knew nothing about how things worked. I wrote him a 10 page letter about all of the stuff he had done wrong, and read it to him in session, then I fired him. It was a gentle but firm and to the point letter. I was scared to death to do this but I did not know about these things. He took the letter and accepted it's contents with unsurpassed grace and humility. I was stunned, but fired is fired- so I shook his hand and left- never to return.
Well- I felt so empowered by writing that letter, about a week later I txt him asking if I could write another. We had just started dealing with trauma stuff before he lost his job so stuff started happening to me- began to fall apart, so I wrote him another letter, he called me we talked and I went back. He was a different person then. (or I was)

What sealed it for me was - a short time later after he read what I called my vomit letter- containing my first memories of abuse- trauma, I said you can throw that away now- His response- he kissed the envelope and said" this is what I love, this is what I do." Meaning help people heal from these sorrows.
Hey thank you so much everyone for the good wishes - that means a lot to me. I also appreciate hearing about what it was made you realize your T was right for you. (Any more takers on that one?)

I have a second session today so will be interesting to see whether Lamplighter’s oh god I knew it I had stars in my eyes too good to be true pattern reasserts itself.

I hope not Frowner

By the way True North, in answer to your question about this T’s modality lol I had to go and look up her website because I didn’t know (that’s SO unusual for me not to have every detail researched!) In fact she doesn’t specify a particular approach, just says that she is a humanistic therapist who integrates a number of approaches. It certainly shows, because after that first meeting I couldn’t have pigeonholed her to any particular approach - just had the sense that she was the kind of therapist I always had in my mind as typifying a ‘normal’ T. (Have to say I wouldn’t have gone anywhere near her if those dreaded initials CBT had appeared anywhere in her blurb but I suspect she has training in that approach too.)

Please let us know how the session goes. I have a funny piece of trivia. My T's actual training was in CBT! But he's been practicing for a long time and reads widely so that at this point I will really call his style eclectic. If he finds something useful, he incorporates it into his practice. Because I agree, I don't think CBT is a particularly useful modality when working through attachment issues or long term trauma. So he lists CBT under his specialities but it's part of a very long list.

Lamplighter, I hope this is the one for you!

With my T - the appointment was set for me, I didn't choose him. When I saw him straight away I told him that I was hoping to see a woman.
He said that it was fine, that this first session is free anyway and afterwards I can decide if I want to continue seeing him or I want to see somebody else.
I don't remember what we were talking about but I liked that he was just a normal guy, same age as me, could have been my friend or workmate, I felt absolutely equal to him in regard to age, life experience, intellect. He didn't have this aura of power, experience and profesionalism that I was expecting from a psychotherapist. He was just a guy, nicely looking but not stunning. Would he be very good-looking I would run the hell out and away from him. I felt that I liked him.
So when the hour ended I decided to stay.

Recently he told me that when he started seeing me he thought that I must have been in the army. Funny... Hm...

Oh yeah, I asked him about his approach some time ago. He would also use CBT techniques, but he is a psychodynamic therapist.

Aw poor poor you,am so,so sorry - what a letdown for you. Are you able to say what what went wrong? LL I know how disappointing that will be for you. Don't give up LL, good therapists do exist (and it's nothing to do with you, that this might have gone wrong, in case you are now giving yourself a hard time...)

Big hug ((((((((LL))))))))

Hello again and thank you so much everyone (again) for being so supportive. I really needed that and so appreciate it, I am so scared that people are going to think oh god Lamplighter always has to complain doesn’t she, there’s always something wrong with her Ts especially after I tempted fate BIG TIME by posting that glowing post about this T and going on about yes you can find the right T if you keep looking and the very next session suddenly it’s all crap again - I really feel paranoid about it thinking everyone will see it as something pathetic and wrong with me.

I’m starting a new thread about what happened in the session today it just doesn’t seem right to add it here where I started out so positive and optimistic. It makes me feel almost sick remembering how good I felt when I posted this thread sorry I am in a very very bad place right now.

Oh BB yes please do post the link - I could do with all the help and advice I can get right now.

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