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Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I am trying to figure out how to put what I wanted to say without sounding like such a downer or a burden and I don't know if that's even possible. Bottom line I lost a treasured psychologist and while I connected with a psychologist who is clearly a good person I have gone steadily downhill in the past 2 years. I used to at least be able to connect with the conception of hope and that has long been gone. I tried several people very briefly before settling in with my psychologist and nothing ever fit until I met my current psychologist. But the only time I ever moved well ahead and really knew someone understood was with the psychologist who I am not seeing anymore. It sounds nuts but I just haven't adjusted to what is a night and day difference in the way psychologists work - approaches used, what the psychologist believes - one was more cognitive and psychodynamic whereas my newer psychologist believes generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, panic, depression, PTSD - and the way that I can never get the constancy of so many stressful worries and thoughts out of my head, to the point it is driving me crazy - is all a way that my mind is allowing me to avoid getting on with life and moving forward. The problem is she has it backwards. It's pointless saying so, she is rock solid in what she believes. I realize that simply talking about issues is useless in terms of managing and getting a handle on the severe anxiety - and it is all at the severe end of the spectrum now - but she doesn't do anything other than psychodynamic - bordering on analytic work. Doing my own work out of CBT workbooks has not been particularly helpful. I am tired, worn out, severely depressed as well and I can't start this whole process of therapy over again with someone new. It's an agonizing thing for me to do. That she sees things so differently and that what I say doesn't register at all makes me feel useless. Why say anything? She is a disciple of someone very strong minded in the community of psychologists and sometimes I feel like I have her mentor in the office speaking instead of her. I feel like she hasn't individuated into her "own being" as a psychologist. I tried the person she has studies with for many years, did therapy with and now does supervision with, and he drove me nuts. Two sessions and I was fleeing. His thinking just was too bizarre for me and I knew I'd get absolutely nowhere. I didn't realize for awhile that my current shrink is so close with this guy. I'm sure he is a nice person and a good person. But his style is not for me. In some ways I am just too sensitive. But I honestly have times where I realize what my shrink is saying is exactly what her mentor would be saying. There is a group of therapists locally who idolize this guy and maybe they see and experience something I am oblivious to - but personally I think he enjoys the attention of these intense devotees. I'm not so sure I am wrong. He has a huge ego. That's partly what I was so turned off with when I met him.

So I feel like a hostage at times. I want the old therapy I had and that's long gone. But it worked and there was a good chance for doing healing work. I hated the process of trying therapists to find one to work with and when I connected with my shrink I thought we'd be fine. Well I didn't think two people could be so different in terms of how they practice, think, you name it. Both are very nice and kind. I am not meaning to in any way put anyone down. I just don't believe anymore that any goodness will come from anything. I feel like I have been depressed for so long now that there isn't really a viable chance of ever being well or with the types of anxiety. It is debilitating. I am going through a separation and that and many other things, mostly losses have worn me down to nothing. I feel reduced to absolutely nothing. Have any of you ever been to this hell? Because it is hell. I haven't have a "good day" in so long I could not tell you when I last had one - it's years. I just cannot see how I am possibly going to get any better. I feel I am a failure at everything and I have failed this as well and am unhealable/untreatable. I just feel like a monumental burden. And I terribly miss the therapy and therapist I had. It was a very sad and traumatic ending. But these things happen.
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Hi Lexingtonave (I think I might call you Lexi for short, if that's okay Smiler).

I'm glad that you have joined the forum, and that you were able to feel safe in sharing your feelings and worries. Never feel like you are sounding like a downer or a burdon when you are 'venting' here. No one here judges you, it's a wonderful thing to be able to come to a place where you can say how you feel and know that other people might have been there too, and that they might have some insight to help you through to the next step. It's also very calming and grounding to know that even if someone hasn't been in your situation, they too are here to offer support to you, share stories and help you to see that there are positive things in all of our futures, no matter how dark that journey may seem to be. Sometimes it's nice to know that you aren't alone, and you'll find here that you aren't!

I haven't been in a situation such as yours, but we share a diagnosis (all but the PTSD) Razzer I swear that GAD is what they give you when they can't figure out whats really wrong with you! Though I haven't lost a T/P, I worry daily that my P is going to retire (she's almost 70, damn her!) and I will have no where to go, and end up on a rollercoaster trying to find someone else that I can talk to, such as yourself.

I understand that you feel you have connected with this P, but it doesn't sound like you trust her. If you can't trust that she is doing all that she can for you, then you need to take a leap and find someone else, someone who isn't a puppet of someone else (that you wouldn't want to see yourself). After 2 years if you have given yourself to the process, and you feel that you are just getting worse, you need to make a change. You have to think about you and your health! So either tell her how you feel or look for someone you will be able to trust. Find a different P or T Lexi, you owe it to yourself to at least feel like you are getting better!

Sorry if this wasn't very useful, I'm not one of those insightful people I said that you might encounter on this site .. I'm just an occassionaly supportive person (the rest of the time I'm a smart ass Smiler).

I hope your visits here will be as beneficial as they have been to me.

Be well!

Hi Lexingtonave! I am at work right now and don't have time to respond in depth, but I can feel the pain in your post and wanted to offer my support. I'm glad you're here and hope that you keep posting. I wish things weren't so difficult and that you hadn't had to end with your old psychologist. I hope that you may find the strength to continue on your journey, whatever that may be. I'll chat more later!

Thanks Holly and CT for your really kind and thoughtful replies. My psychologist once said I could always write or call her supervisor if in a desperate situation. She isn't ever available. I did last night and it was a very grave mistake. I did it at the worst possible time for me. He told me "I am free" and that by having gone to the emergency dept. where I was told what treatment was urgently needed, pharmacotherapy for sure, aggressively given, he said I "seduced" the psychiatrist into telling me that. I don't understand. Does a therapist who abuses a client get seduced by the patient? Actually he and my therapist believe to some degree that does happen. I am in a very dangerous environment in this therapy. My psychologist's psychologist/friend/supervisor told me if I am suicidal to terminate therapy with my psychologist so I don't emotionally hurt her in knowing I could hurt myself. He said if I feel that way I am not seeing I am free. Well I am not free. I cannot drop everything that has happened and if I could? My God I would have. I read his email about half an hour ago and I am so sorry I screwed up again and made a stupid decision. There is no hope for me. I'm sorry I bothered you guys. I am a lost cause, roadkill and I am untreatable. I can't start a new therapy. That is my problem, no one else's. I take responsibility for everything I have screwed up with. I am the author of my own problems. No one else is. But I have fallen too low to come up. I just need to leave everyone alone. This is my mess in life. I am a cosmic mistake. I make everything worse. Any mistakes made are my fault. I am useless. This psychologist was probably right. I am pathetic and who am I to criticize anyone?

I am so desperately sorry to have laid any of my crap on anyone else. I am so sorry.

I wish all of you well. Please feel good soon. I pray you all do. You all sound so kind and good. Hugs, C.
Originally posted by lexingtonave:
I am in a very dangerous environment in this therapy. My psychologist's psychologist/friend/supervisor told me if I am suicidal to terminate therapy with my psychologist so I don't emotionally hurt her in knowing I could hurt myself.

No, that's not right at all. Your psychologist is there to help you, to be strong with you and for you when you can't. If they can't do that, then you need to find someone who can.

You are not useless or untreatable or pathetic. Don't give up! Life is hard, but keep on trudging!

Your post is dripping in pain and I am hurting with and for you. I'm not sure I understand what the professionals you are working with are saying/doing to you. However,

There is no hope for me. I'm sorry I bothered you guys. I am a lost cause, roadkill and I am untreatable.

I can tell you that I am positive that this is untrue. I know we don't know one another very well... or at all even, but we are bonded by the fact that we are here, searching for the life we know, DEEP DOWN, we are capable of living. And we deserve that life.

But I have fallen too low to come up. I just need to leave everyone alone. This is my mess in life. I am a cosmic mistake. I make everything worse. Any mistakes made are my fault. I am useless. This psychologist was probably right. I am pathetic and who am I to criticize anyone?

These, right here, are the old tapes that bind you (and all of us) to the pain and torture we have experienced in our lives. I don't know you, but I know that you are trying to isolate yourself from anything around you as a way to protect yourself. The impulse to flee and hide is immense... i know that impulse... but I hope that you can catch yourself here. I know it's scary and hard, but punishing yourself isn't the answer... for you or me... and withdrawing into yourself will only make this worse.

I am so desperately sorry to have laid any of my crap on anyone else. I am so sorry.

I know where you are coming from here, but I don't accept your apology. Posting here, while hard and scary, is part of what you need to be doing. This is where your "crap" is supposed to go... to a community of people who listen and care... not swirling in your head. I've never said this before... but WE WANT YOUR CRAP! Get it out of your body and realize that you are not to blame, but you are responsible for the choices you make. Recoiling is a choice here, but so is going against the grain of many years and reaching out when you don't want to.

You all sound so kind and good.

You do as well, lex. We are not better or worse than you... we all struggle, good days and bad days and worse days... Your instincts are telling you it's safe here but your impulse is to run... this a choice too, and I sure hope you choose to trust your instincts on this one.

Thinking of you

I hope you come back! Your P sucks and you need to find another one as soon as you can! No one is untreatable, and you can start a new therapy - you need to find some strength in you to move on.
You know, I had a shitty day today too - I just want to crawl under a rock and never come out because I am a big F-up too. But I know that when I am ready to talk about it, I can come here and tell these people how I am feeling and they will be there to support me through it as best they can amongst dealing with their own stuff.
No one feels like you are burdoning them, we are all here for similar reasons and everyone is willing to listen when you feel comfortable sharing. I can't speak for everyone but I'll be here ... lingering around when you are ready to chat!

Be well {{{{{Lexi - C}}}}}}

Hi Lexi... I do hope you come back here. This is exactly the place where you should dump your fears, anxiety, angst and pain. We get it and we understand. I don't know what happened to end the relationship with the T you liked. I'm sorry for you that it ended. That must be so hard on you. But you need to believe that you are definitely able to be healed because that is what this is about. You are in pain and feel broken from life and you need to heal and to find the right therapist who can help you do this.

Would you consider trying to find a T with a humanistic/relational therapy method? I don't think an analytical type T is what you need. You need nurturing and care from a T not cold detachment. I think you need a therapist who works with attachment issues or right-brain therapy. Have you read the thread started by Karie (Itshardtosay)... I'll link it here for you. I truly believe this type of therapy works for people with attachment injury, anxiety, complex-trauma etc.

Karie's story is very inspirational. I know it's hard when you are in pain and feeling so depressed to grab onto some hope but it's out there for you. You just need to hang on and try to find the T that will be the one to help you.

You are NOT a lost cause or untreatable. And you are not the author of your own problems...someone else was... the person who traumatized you or was not there for you. This big "T" that you said and was cruel to you sounds like someone you need to avoid. And if your own T is not available to you when you need her then perhaps you need the type of T that is available to you. I can email or call my T when I need him as long as I don't abuse the privilege. I need to know he is there for me and when I do I seem to need him less.

I just want to end here by saying that you certainly can be helped with the right therapy for you. That none of this is your fault and that you need to please treat yourself well. I hope you will come back and let us know how you are doing.


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