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Hi! I am rather new here, first post, actually, though I've been lurking for a little while. I am so thrilled I stumbled upon this site! It has been a goldmine of information, reassurance, and hope for me! I think I have read just about every post from the last two years and found such comfort in knowing I am not alone in my mixed-up mind!

Anyway, I hadn't planned on posting anything, as I'm enjoying learning by lurking, but I think I just really F'd up something big time... And while none of you know me yet (though I feel like I know many of you) I'm hoping you'll be open to offering some insight.

I've been back in therapy for two months, going twice a week, with a fantastic T that my doc recommended. She is the best that I have worked with (which says a lot.) I really connected with her much faster than I expected, and found that trusting her was surprisingly easy, despite my major trust issues. Anyway, she's out of town for a week, and in my worry about making it while she's away (last time she was away it was really hard for me to function outside of work, which kept me busy during the day) I did something really dumb.

I went on an innocent google quest to see if I needed to clean anything up about me (I google my name every few months to make sure nothing is out there that I don't want out there!) That was my only plan - to clean up my name - totally innocent. However, when I stumbled on a site that did list a lot of my info (which I immediately emailed them asking to be removed from their database) On a whim, I decided to search my T on that site. My previous google searches for her were unsuccessful, so I didn't expect much.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. She had a listing under her full name (she practices under her maiden name, which I didn't realize until now.) To make a long story short, I used that information to search facebook, found the profile of her son and husband, neither of which were set on high privacy standards, which led me to find a picture of her. As I'm still having trouble, even after 2 months of sessions, holding on to a mental image of her, I was both thrilled and terrified. Thrilled I'd found a picture to help me get that mental image, but terrified at the breach that I had done.

I am so frustrated with myself for doing this. It is the roundabout, sneaky way to get a picture of her and learn more about who she is. I got the picture in such a wrong, bad, stupid, dishonest, sneaky, sly, deceitful, shameful way. (by the way, no other information was learned - just the picture retrieval.) She holds strong boundaries - no emails, texts, etc - so I know the only way to deal with this will be in session. (And even thinking about that makes me hyperventilate.)

I have no idea what to do. I feel like I should totally fess up to her - that is the right thing to do. But I feel like our journey together is still too new to screw up that much - she could easily get frustrated with a client she can't trust and terminate. I do NOT want that to happen. Ironically, I did this on the eve of a session where she reminded me that we are in no rush with our work together, as early termination is a big fear of mine.

I have a whole week before my next session, which feels like forever right now, but when it arrives, I know that I'll totally freak out because of what I did tonight.

Well, nothing like jumping into the deep end of the pool for my first post... If you've read this far and have any ideas, thank you!
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I'm trying to think of what is best to be done and what I would do here.

What is best: be as open as possible. Your T should get why this happened and it is apparently kind of common. If she is a good T, she won't react by driving you away, but explore why it happened. If she is a bad T, better to find out now and not get even more attached and have something else cause her to abandon you later.

What I would probably do: I would probably confess to a minor part of it, like getting curious and looking her up on the first site and leaving out the Facebook/family stuff. And tell her to get that stuff removed in case she has other silly clients like me.

The first is really the way to go. I just admitted transference/attachment to my T and it was no big deal to him. I keep expecting some big reaction, but he is so steady about it and just explores what it means for me, what the source is.

PS - Welcome! I'm new here too.
Thanks Yaku...

I know the right thing to do is fess up to all of it, at my next session. I think she's a good T, and you're right, better to find out if she isn't now, rather than later down the road.

Still didn't help me sleep last night. Not sure how I am going to function at work today. I wish I could have a do-over of yesterday evening and not have even done what I did.
Hi Room2Grow (R2G Big Grin)
Welcome to the forums and I love your name! I totally understand how you're feeling as I went through the same thing googling my T (found a blog about his granddaughter put up by his DIL which led to her shutterfly account and a massive amount of family pictures, if you don't mind I'm going to post a link of a response I gave to someone else on the subject. The link in there that most directly relates is the Struggling with the Boundaries one. I really think you should speak to your T about this. I know it's really terrifying. But either she'll be great about it and you'll know you're in good hands with someone who can handle these kinds of intense feelings in a client OR she'll react badly and you'll know that you need to find another therapist who can deal with these issues. But from what you've described, I think she'll be fine. Let us know what you decide (btw, whatever you decide to do is fine) and how it goes.

Newbie in Town

Sorry this was on the brief side (at least for me Big Grin) I have final turnover for a beta today and things are bit insane right now.

Room2Grow, hi and welcome.

I haven't been posting much lately because I've really been feeling private, but I want to post because I had a very similar experience in the last couple of weeks. I was struggling with some T stuff and googled my newish T, which I've done numerous times before - and following a link I hadn't before I came across - shock - his 'other' name, his other profession under the other name, with website, heaps of his other work, from there a facebook page.... It really shook me, it wasn't hard to find but I felt so like I had violated something, even though I wasn't actually trying to.

And on top of that trying to deal with the fact that he even has another identity, another profession, and to figure out how I feel about that profession... massive trust stuff too.

I also felt all that stuff you describe about myself too - deceitful, shameful and so on.

BUT an interesting thing happened tonight. I just had a session with him where we talked (continuing from last week) about some stuff in my past that's given me good reason to really distrust therapy professionals. He asked me how it had affected me, and I was able to look at him and say it had made me feel like I need to be extremely watchful and cautious and alert, and to look past the surface of things. Something in the way he responded made me really feel that he understood this applied to him, and he really accepted it.

Then we continued on with some EMDR work we've been doing on my feelings of being shameful. I have been really stuck-in-the-middle with this work but tonight it seemed to shift and I feel a lot lighter. Suddenly I don't feel so ashamed.

Somehow between those two things, I no longer feel uncomfortable about the searching or what I found. Instead I know that the searching came out of a sensible need to protect myself by finding information (as well as looking for connection) and that that is a logical response to my background. I am very sure that your own search was nothing more than a normal and logical response to the circumstances of your own background, and to the risks you are taking to be emotionally vulnerable in therapy.

Neither of us is responsible for what is out there on the internet about our Ts. It is one of the vagaries of the modern age, and hopefully our Ts know that. I know we imagine disgust, anger, hatred, rejection and abandonment from them when something happens like this, but it is very possible that in fact they will react with compassion and understanding - information control is actually not the client's responsibility, and the feelings of vulnerability that drive this searching behaviour are really normal and really understandable.

I hope you can take it easy on yourself. I'm not sure yet if I will tell my T what I know or not, but I actually don't feel too worried about it right now. I feel like ok, I know, and I know that that's another part of his life that is not part of our therapy. I can leave it there for now. If it feels right later I will discuss it, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I know it can be hard to step back and see it that way when all the old messages about one's awfulness are hammering away, but it is possible to just accept yourself and be kind to yourself on this. I hope you can breathe out a little and find that peace.

Hi all,

@ AG - Thank you for the reply, and for the link to all the other posts - I just finished reading through them (18 pages of posts for one of the links?!) and as much as I AM terrified of the fact that she very well could say done, I don't know that she'll go that route. I was so comforted in knowing that googling your T or P is rather common among us with some attachment and boundary challenges! I intend to fully disclose all that I did and found (and as I'm typing this, the picture is open on my desktop... attached? Nah... Wink

Thanks too, for your response, I've been reading about your journey and am so inspired by you and all you share with us here! I know you're rather swamped right now, and I hope everything with the turnover goes well!!

@ Jones - Wow - thank you for sharing your experience! I know that I can't control what is out there on the 'net about others (just myself - which I do try to keep up on so as not too much is out there!) but my extreme guilt comes in using my tech-talents to (gulp) cyber-stalk my T... That is what makes me so sick to my stomach. It wasn't malicious, it was, as you said, in an effort to protect myself, and take care of what I *think* I need right now (to be able to keep an image of her in my mind while she's gone.) All of the previous Ts that I've worked with shared a little too much of their lives during my sessions, and really left little to wonder about. One even has her picture on her business cards! This is the first T that is maintaining great boundaries (which I SO need) but at the same time, since I know so little about her, I am still quite insecure that she's in it with me for the long haul (even though every session I have with her, she reminds me that she's in it for as long as I need.) The google search just filled in a few gaps for me.

I know, I know, I'm justifying my actions, which are innate curiosity. I know that I didn't put anything up online about her, and that I work to keep my stuff very private online for exactly this reason (my job has me in a very public eye, so I'm very careful!)

I generally have sessions Mon/Thur, but this week it was Mon/Tue cause she's out of town (again) and while I will likely freak out pretty continuously between now and Monday's session, I guess that's the price I have to pay for the choice I made. I am hope-full that things will work out so that I don't lose my T (I lost one, cause she moved away, and never properly got over that as there wasn't closure) and this is just one more thing to work on!

I will probably say this a lot right now, but I'm so glad I found this little piece of mental peace in cyberspace!!
Hi, and welcome aboard, R2G...

We will look forward to hear how your session goes. I'm glad that you have discovered that you are not alone. I confess to googling my T, usually when I'm feeling really distant from him, and missing him. I haven't scored much information that wasn't out there for public consumption though. I haven't told. Eeker

I hope so much your T will be accepting of what you tell her. Fingers crossed for you!

Hi R2G,

I don't think you need to justify - I mean, I get the guilt, having felt it myself, but I do want to let you know that there's another side to it. You take the responsibility of making sure you know what is out there about you - it is your T's responsibility to do the same, if she wants to. The internet is there as a source of information for our use - what's on it is public, and I actually don't believe that it is bending a boundary at all to use it. I actually think from a client's perspective it is part of self-care. I'd do the same searching if I were going to employ anyone.

It can certainly make you feel weird when stuff turns up though, so I wish you the best with talking to her about it. All those feelings of shame need to be brought out into the light. Let us know how it goes.

Take care,
Thanks all...

@BB - I will keep everyone posted, I promise. I actually started drafting an apology last night, and beg for forgiveness. I often write notes to my T and she reads them (since I'm usually crying to hard to do so) but this time, I will not hand over the note - instead I feel like I HAVE to read it to her. Better yet, I just have to speak and have the note just in case.

@SG - I agree - going on FB was too far, and that's my fear. I definitely crossed the boundary with FB, and I don't know that she'll trust me enough to leave well enough alone once I tell her. I am scared, and tempted to not even bring it up, as I've had a really lousy week with some major family crap happening that I want to dive into. But this will hang over my head until I fess up.

@Jones - Thanks for your words of reassurance. I think that maybe it's good I found what I found, so she knows it's out there? I know that I've spent the last two days cleaning up my personal info on the internet because of what I found...

I'm afraid to bring this to light, really, really afraid. I don't know how I'm going to make it to Monday.
May, yes, I had my session yesterday, and I updated my countdown thread (as I was literally counting down the hours till my session) but was too drained to search up this thread. (Thanks for the compliment on the pic, by the way - they're my favorite!)

I am finally "coming to" so to speak, as it was really, really rough.

It was one of the most challenging sessions I've ever had. I spilled EVERYTHING out. I cried for 35 minutes straight, and just when I thought I was done, I cried more. I literally cried the whole session, and the whole way home. At least on the way home it was tears of relief!

Long story short - she didn't terminate me, she didn't get mad at me, she didn't seem fazed by it at all, actually. (And her calmness was even more unnerving than if she would have gotten mad or raised her voice or something!) She did ask that I don't search out her family anymore - like I'll be doing that again. Especially since she then explained that she is not one of those "closed" Ts where her personal life is taboo - if I have a question, she said to ask her, about anything, rather than search it out online. Not sure if I'm ready to do that, but for now, I'm just grateful that we're forging ahead, and this is all behind me. Lots more to work on to uncover the root of the need to search for her picture, but that is all in good time, of which I now know we have plenty of.

Today has been a pretty rotten day, though, as I'm now feeling guilty about how well she handled me... I even told her that I don't want to offer to delete the picture I found cause I am not sure I would be able to follow through. She laughed at that, and said she wouldn't think of asking me to delete it. I thought that was kind of sweet, but again, it makes me feel all the more guilty about what I did. Seems that with the way my mind has been lately, I can't win with myself whatever I think right now...

So grateful for this site and everyone on it! Don't think I would have survived the last week without you!

So glad it went so well. I know what you mean about how unnerving and painful it can be to be well-handled. Almost like this silent fear of being set up for an even bigger fall in the near future. It sounds like your T is really there for you, though. I bet this will be a huge step forward for you! So proud of you (in a totally not condescending, hoping I can emulate your boldness sort of way).
R2G- wow this is so good- you are brave and I am so glad to hear that she handled it well! I hope she will be able to help you move past the guilt you are dealing with. It's ok to need your T. (says BB who seems hell-bent on purging all need for T out of herself Roll Eyes) Seriously, though. I hope you can start to enjoy having her picture, you have her permission now, that's awesome. I wish I could have ever had a picture of my T that wasn't imprinted onto a CD lecture. Roll Eyes His face has a hole in the middle of it.

I'm so glad that it went so well. That is exactly what I was hoping would happen and tells me that you have a really good T. I think she doesn't want you to delete the picture because she understands why you felt you needed it. I understand the feeling bad about it, but really it sounds like your T is okay with what happened. Let yourself off the hook. (((hugs)))
That was incredibly courageous of you to go in there and tell your T about this. I agree with STRM, she sounds like a wonderful T and that she understands what was driving you to seek out this stuff.

BTW I remember feeling bad that my hadn't been angrier. I felt so guilty that it would have been a relief to be punished. But I'm afraid you're going to have to consider that what you did wasn't really as bad as it felt to have done it.

On the upside, I also remember that telling my T about the googling and having him be so calm and accepting made me realize that it really was safe to tell him anything and that he meant what he said about not sending me away. So glad to hear it went so well!

R2G I am so happy for you that you not only got this off your mind but that your T reacted so well to your confession. I think she's a good T who understands what drives us to find info on our Ts and needing to have their picture. I have lots of pics of my oldT but none of my current T and I wish I did because I find it hard to keep his image in my memory. It's getting a bit clearer lately but a picture would be nice.

I understand that sometimes their kindness and acceptance is just as hard to bear as their being upset with us. We are not so used to the understanding and acceptance. It's a new thing for us.

Good for you for being so open and honest.

Thanks everyone for all the hugs - I need them (and was too chicken to ask my T for one after that session - not the best session to ask for a hug the first time, if you ask me!)

Yaku - no condesendence noted - I appreciate your sentiment, as, well, I don't hear "so proud of you" very often.

BB - I think photoshop might be helpful in filling the hole? Wink I've had her picture open on my computer pretty much whenever I've been on my computer at home. I don't feel guilty for having it anymore, but I'm still not fully able to enjoy it yet.

STRM - I think she's really good. I've never had a T quite like her before. I've actually had a T get mad at me before, which I think was my great way to be done with that one!

LG - Until this T, I never thought of this therapy work as a "relationship" before, but I can see how just shifting my mind to that, well, we are definitely moving forward!

But I'm afraid you're going to have to consider that what you did wasn't really as bad as it felt to have done it.

AG - this is pretty much what my T said on the way out - not to be so hard on myself about this. When she said that, though, it just made me cry all the more harder. I'm working on it...

TN - I find it so strange that I'd rather take the anger and frustration over the kindness and acceptance!?! Shows how mixed up my mind has been conditioned to be!

Sorry room 2 grow that I had not found this thread til now, but I love the way you have handled this and also love the way your T has handled it.You are in good hands. I want to send you a hug too as this last session was so emotionally draining for you so just wanted to say both hi and sends hugs
thank you for posting about this.We all google them sometimes I think, and really professional T's are very careful about what comes up about them on the net. And we try to respect boundaries too though sometimes we mess up.

well done for 'fessing up. I would have fessed up too and cried buckets too, so I was feeling very much in tune with what you had to go through over this.

but you have come out with much more connection and closeness to your T I think and both of you able to talk more honestly about each other. Can you ask my T if he is
1. Married,
2. how many kids he has?
3. Does he play in a brass band?
3. How OLD he is?


but I will try and ask him self tomorrow.

Smiler Take care
but you have come out with much more connection and closeness to your T I think and both of you able to talk more honestly about each other. Can you ask my T if he is
1. Married,
2. how many kids he has?
3. Does he play in a brass band?
3. How OLD he is?

haha! I wish I could ask my T stuff like that, Sadly...'ll have to come over and show me how to use the photoshop app to scan the cd and fix the hole. (there has to be a better way- maybe I'll just download the picture with the article about him that I found on the web Roll Eyes )
Thanks for the hugs Draggers and Sadly... It's been quite a week. Monday's session was what it was, and Thursday's session was equally as tearful, though equally as powerful.

If this is what all our work together is going to be like, I'm definitely going to need to buy stock in kleenex tissues and stock up on dark chocolate. I've never been so emotionally exhausted in my life. All good work, though, I know.

Sadly - were you able to gather any answers to your questions? I am especially curious to know what he plays in that brass band? Wink

BB - sounds like downloading the picture with the article will be the simplest way - I always look for things that take longer as they distract me from my anxiety for just a little bit longer! Cool
It has taken a while to get all that info from my questions.
1. He has a new partner and is separated from his wife.
2. He has two kids a boy and a girl ages 13 and 15
3. He played the trumpet as a young boy and his sister played the cornet. He also had piano lessons.
4. I know how old he is (53) and I know his birthday too.

Dead chuffed with myself. He told me all of this. I even asked him last summer WHY he no longer is with his previous wife/partner and he told. Confidentially. Gosh. TMI a little.

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