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Liese - sorry, I thought the dream was posted here, but I actually put it on a different thread. You can read it here:

Thanks, Exploring. Your "view" of all this seems much nicer than the way all of it has felt. But I'll try to picture it "your way." I like it. And you're welcome. It's been very hard to leave this posted because I feel like I'm painting myself crazy. Yet with T gone and all of this happening, I just have needed to talk about it - explore it. Wink

This morning I am very consciously blocking any sneaky words that may try to take root in my mind.

I appreciate all the comments on this thread. This has been very distressing to me and I'm not sure what to make of it, why it is happening or where it comes from.

I'm struggling still, because I had hoped yesterday would be the end of these words, but they started up again today. And now I'm getting hives which I'm pretty sure is related to the stress of this and of T being unexpectedly gone.

I am, however, starting to look at some of the words and phrases to try to figure out what they mean. At first, I would guess a meaning and then wonder if I got it right. Then I thought - heck, this is my language - if this is what I think it means, that's what it means. I've been going through the words and coming up with some very interesting "translations" that make sense linguistically and personally.I wish I could share it with you, because you'd probably find it interesting, too. I just can't tho. It's way too close to core stuff and I can't risk exposing it. I so, so want T to come back so I can get some help with all of this.

Thanks for being here, y'all.

I'm not sure it would have occurred to me, but this approach makes sense-- writing about the words and the evoked associations, journaling about it the way you would a dream symbol. After all, words are symbols, too.

I definitely understand not wanting to share if it is close to core stuff, but hope you come back to let us know how you are doing and how this works out. I think it's very interesting and not crazy.

I am sorry it's distressing you, though, and can also totally get that! As you know, spontaneously occurring imagery of whatever kind can have a kind of insistence to it, but it's also important not to let your ego self get too overwhelmed. Sometimes you have to look at something just a little bit, take a break and then come back to it later.

Was thinking about you and all this. Hope you are well today. Hang on in there!

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